Recording bands of all sorts & releasing Very cool, distinct, original sounding albums. I also enjoy buying/fixing audio gear, sex, drinking Wisers ,Good food, watching live shows, and MIXING live/studio , and METAL!!!
Bands ,Studios,Labels,Local industries, people who like good music , and most important- Bands who need recordings(sorry no emo bands)not trying to discriminate but Im just not into it! (Go Cry @ Someone Else's Studio)LOL !
Mastodon Down Crowbar TheAcaciaStrain LedZeppelin Pantera Meshuggah Slayer Isis Slint Kyuss Ours COC BigSugar SoundGarden BlackSabbath Danzig ZZtop ThePolice SuperjointRitual Sleep LambofGod Neurosis Tool GrandMarais MisterBones Corprophemia Clutch Pavement Sledgehammer PitchUnion Jettrio CCF PinkFloyd Boston Willie/Waylon Shellac ElectricWizard FiftywattHead TheDeadsElite NeilYoung Interpol Radiohead RHCP LynyrdSkynyrd DeepPurple Sepultura JohnnyCash EyehateGod BrownWater Shun Juneof44 Guns n Roses EPMD Hatebreed Tortoise TomWaits Candiria Opeth ChemicalBros Entomed CannibalCorpse JeffBuckley TheMelvins ACDC The AllmanBros DrDre BlondeRedhead Beck Suplecs QOTSA TheBand STP KingCobbSteelie JanesAddiction NIN TheSilverJews DavidBowie TheVerve KingCrimson HighOnFire Converge Metallica ThineEyesBleed StrappingYoungLad TheBeatles RaisedBySwans DriveLikeJehu SoilentGreen JohnLennon BadCompany JuneOf44 Polvo JesusLizard
Way too many to list!
SixFeetUnder CSI Huff TrailorParkBoys SouthPark Sopranos A&Estuff BrotherHood Dexter ArrestedDevelopment TheWire RescueMe
JohnBonham DimeBag(r.i.p.) SteveAlbini RickReuban LesPaul StuartCopeland VinniePaul