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About Me

Wolfpit gründete sich im Januar 2004. Nachdem wir mit vielen verschiedenen Stilen experimentiert haben, fanden wir unsere Richtung in Melodic Death Metal.Unsere Band besteht aus 4 Mitgliedern:Rez (Gitarre/Gesang) Nico R. Gerolamo (Gitarre/Gesang) Wälä (Bass) Stoli (Drums).Wir hatten schon mehrere Auftritte und freuen uns auf weitere Gig's wo die Köpfe wieder mal so richtig durchgeschüttelt werden. Ein sehr erfreuliches Ereignis war der Sieg des 5. Glarner Bandcontests, da wir sehr überrascht waren, mit unserem Stil den 1. Platz zu erspielen. Doch anscheinend ist der Sound gut in die Ohren der Zuhörer und der Jury gewandert.We are four wolves from Switzerland. Exactly from the region Glarus. We are Rez (guitar/vocals), Nico R. Geralomo (guitar/vocals), Wälä (Bass), Stoli (drums). The age of the wolves begun in the year 2004. Before the most of us (except Wälä) played in a progressive rock- metalband called Angelspirit. The beginning of Angelspirit was in the year 1999. Our influences were Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Spock..s Beard, Transatlantic, Yes, etc. We played some local concerts. But someday the Band was splitted up. Everyone was going his way. Till the day we made a jamsession together with some other guys and a girl. We knew that we must play together. After a few of changes of bassplayers we were what we are. Our name Wolfpit were generatet cause our bandroom has no windows. Its like a pit. And we are the wolves inside. Slowly we made a change from white to black. So we restored ourself in blackmetal and deathmetal. 2005 we won the bandcontest in Mollis (Glarus) with the songs: Revolution Lady, Growl Again, The Night Is Crying My Name. In the year 2006 Wälä has find the way to us. Now we are every week in the pit to make new songs and increase our experience. With our black hearts we adore our music. We.. re looking foreward and howl the fullmoon..s rising.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dead skullz

Ode to my Deep Dark Forest

My Interests


Member Since: 7/12/2006
Band Members: Rez (Gitarre/Gesang) Nico R. Gerolamo (Gitarre/Gesang) Wälä (Bass) Stoli (Drums)..
Influences: Children of Bodom, Finntroll, Dream Theater, Liquid Tension, Extreme, Cradle of Filth, Amon Amarth, Agathodaimon, Graveworm, Symphony X, Wintersun, Moonspell, Impaled Nazarene, Dimmu Borgir, Pink Floyd, The Doors,...
Sounds Like: this is the own Wolf-Metal Sound
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Dark Winters Night II

23.2.08 Zu unserm Bedauern werden wir an diesem Konzert nicht teilnehmen. Unser Bassist fällt aus gesundheitlichen Gründen kurzfristig aus. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn möglichst viele Leute die andere...
Posted by Wolfpit on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:03:00 PST