MISS PIXIE & THE ’Y’ GENERATION profile picture


The Blue Babies

About Me

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i am a human being, and treat people the way that i'd like to be treated. It's easy to write this line, but as humans, if we want to evolve, i believe, we need to apply this quality into our lives.As humans, we all carry a tin of shit around; that we never bother to empty, mainly shit from our past. Through my social work studies, i have come to realise this more and more, and clean my can out regularly.Humans tend to make many assumptions about other people that we don't even know... These assumptions are usually built on gossip, which to me is a 'dirty word', and a mindless babble that, to be honest with you; bores me shit-less!.I believe, as humans that the only way we can evolve is to clean out our can of shit regularly. By doing this we can learn so much from each other; things we never dreamed of, things that never were..I write this music from my soul, and there is so much to share with you. Music doesn't have to be slow or dreamy to come from ones soul, it 'just comes' in whatever style, form or tempo. 'Just comes', to me, as an artist means; 'spontaneity'...As an artist, i believe, that if something is pushed it is 'not authentic'; how can it be?...keeping it real is the key, whatever comes over you, at the time, is the authentic emotion that is yearning to be heard, and drives your art. power, grace, spark...love, light & peace...pixie blue...xxxx

My Interests


Member Since: 7/12/2006
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