The newest nigga on Brotha Lynch Hung's Siccmade Muzicc....Discovered by the one and only Zigg Zagg and signed to the label at the end of last year. you can also checc us out at WWW.MADESICC.COM for the Siccmade Muzicc Official website. From frisco raised out in Arizona reppin that sicc shit!! If you are interested in networking or doing a song collabo get at me!!!Get Your Own Voice Player ManageAVAILABLE NOW!!!!!!MAKE SURE YOU COP IT!!!! HOLLA AT ME FOR A SIGNED COPY OR YOU CAN GET IT ON CDBABY.COM..MAKE SURE YOU SWOOP ONE UP!!!! DONT SLEEP, ITS HEATED!!!!.. CDBABY LINK for K-DUBB AND BROTHA LYNCH HUNG PRESENT: City Of Fiends --