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About Me

I love my cowboy boots. Wearing them makes me feel like a superhero. I sort of want some spurs but with my recent bouts of clumsiness that may prove dangerous. I can't wait for tomatoes from the garden. I like sex education and equal rights. I think cigarettes are sexy but try not to smoke them too much anymore. I'm moving to an awesome little house with a giant yard with my boyfriend. I'm excited to sew curtains. My dude has the best ghetto cooking skills ever. Also, he watches cat videos on youtube with my cat. I am too impatient to grow my hair long. I think most things are underrated or overrated. I feel like 30 might just be the new 20. I feel that pink is NOT the new black. I like to knit but can't seem to ever finish anything I start. I really like crosswords and madlibs and puns and rhymes and especially haikus. I love getting mail.

My Interests

THE DEVOLUTIONARY OATH: 1. Be Like Your Ancestors Or Be Different. It Doesn't Matter. 2. Lay A Million Eggs Or Give Birth To One. 3. Wear Gaudy Colors Or Avoid Display. It's All The Same. 4. The Fittest Shall Survive Yet The Unfit May Live. 5. We Must Repeat!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet the asshole(s) that stole my car and my knitting with it!


Bands on my current compilation "May is Movin' Month":Tokyo Police Club MIA Architecture in Helsinki Maritime Hot Chip Trances Arc Fleetwood Mac Music for Animals Coconut Records MGMT Tarkio The Hood Internet IslandsComp still in progress. . . let me know if you have any recommends for "May is Movin' Month" :)


A friend is on a netflix 80's action movie kick so I've been watching a lot of those. Most recently Red Dawn, what a stellar cast and impeccable acting! Also Roadhouse. Man Patrick Swazye RULES!


I like watching Battlestar Galactica and Dr Who with my nerdy bf. I heart the planet earth series to top off a decadent night. Wanna get Lost? On season 3 of 90210 and just finished season 4 of The L word. Can't wait for the next season of Flight of the Conchords.


currently reading Twilight (thanks Heather for turning me into a hopeless teen romantic) The Road by Cormac McCarthy, and KnitKnit. Also some book about cats being psychic. Seriously.


Dad, Sue Johansen, Ray Johnson. Also, I think Abe Lincoln was sexy.

My Blog


Posted by Ro on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 05:26:00 PST

What rhymes with botanical?

So while in Montreal we visited the botanical gardens and here are some of my favorite pictures for you to view and derive pleasure on a scale of "not at all, in fact fuck you and your pictures"- - - ...
Posted by Ro on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:02:00 PST

Crotchal-face: The New Post-Modernism

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Posted by Ro on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:41:00 PST


Russ and I went to Vancouver, Tophino, and Victoria for a week. Here are some dope-ass pictures.We did lots of driving. It was about 1000 miles.. . .. . .We saw lots of funny signs on our trip.. . ....
Posted by Ro on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:17:00 PST

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

So Joe and I went to Idaho to hang out with my family. Here's some ol' photographs from our trip.We saw lots of scenery, including "Ol' Smoothy", the mountain pictured above. It was near Old Chilly ...
Posted by Ro on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 06:15:00 PST

Buttercup Band-Aid Pic Gallery

Posted by Ro on Fri, 12 May 2006 12:39:00 PST