Raul Z profile picture

Raul Z

MAXIMAL !! .... Dirty Bangin' Electro Shit !!

About Me

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::DEMO SETS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MyGen Profile Generator::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ENGLISH::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Style: Dirty Electro House & Electro Techno. Born in Bogota , Colombia. Since his teenage years he has been involved with music; as a member of a punk / hardcore band in his native Bogota. His interest in music led him to explore different styles like hip-hop, trip-hop and 80s house music. As the electronic scene began to grow on his city so did his interest for it. Having close friends who were also interested he began to explore the art of Djing. In 1998 He bought a cd unit and a mixer and started mixing for his friends at private parties.His love for the music and for Djing continued through the years playing in small clubs and parties, always enjoying the underground scene more than the commercial one. In 2005 he wanted to make Djing no longer a hobby but a lifestyle. After recording his first demo things started happening and he caught his first brake on the local radio station 104.9 FM as a guest on their electronic music program Estacion Ibiza . In 2006 he was a semifinalist in the dj contest Clan Destino , organized by Techsound . In february he participated in the electronic festival Bogotrax .Present: At the moment Raul Z is trying to emerge on an international level. He has recently joined Reticent Radio an internet radio station from the american label Reticent Recordings His idea is not only to mix songs together but to create new sounds and experiences using the technology available today. He regularly uses the Final Scratch 2.0 and the Pioneer EFX-1000 effect box to heighten the experience of clubbers and his live sets. Always preferring those peak-hour tracks. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ESPAÑOL: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Estilo: Dirty Electro House & Electro Techno. Nacido en Bogota , Colombia. La musica siempre ha sido una parte importante de su vida; primero como el miembro de una banda de punk / hardcore. Su interes por la musica lo llevo a explorar diferentes estilos como el hip-hop, trip-hop y musica house de los ochentas. Mientras crecia la escena de musica electronica en su ciudad tambien crecia su interes por ella. En 1998 compro una unidad de cds y un mixer, y comenzo a explorar el arte de ser dj, mezclando en fiestas privadas para sus amigos y en clubs pequeños de la ciudad. Siempre disfrutando de la escena underground mas que la comercial. En el 2005 decidio hacer de mezclar no solo un hobby sino un estilo de vida. Despues de grabar su primer demo las cosas empezaron a evolucionar y logro ser invitado a tocar en el programa radial de musica electronica Estacion Ibiza de la estacion 104.9 FM. En el 2006 logro llegar a la semifinal del concurso Clan Destino organizado por Techsound . En febrero del 2007 fue convocado para participar en Bogotrax . Presente: En el momento Raul Z esta tratando surgir a nivel internacional. Recientemente se ha unido a la estacion radial de internet Reticent Radio , del sello americano Reticent Recordings . Su propuesta no es solo mezclar canciones juntas sino crear nuevos sonidos y experiencias utilizando la tecnologia disponible acutalmente. Regularmente utiliza el Final Scratch 2.0 y la caja de efectos Pioneer EFX-1000 para mejorar la experiencia de sus sets en vivo.img src="http://www.modmyprofile.com/worlds/143842.bmp"

My Interests


Member Since: 7/11/2006
Band Website: musicv2.com/artist/raul_z
Band Members: Raul Zambrano
Influences:::::::::::::::::::::ENGLISH::::::::::::::::::::: Early in his life he was influences by 80's house music. He then started listening and playing hardcore and punk, which influenced his style in a definite way. He also started to show interest in hip-hop and trip-hop. He then began exploring electronic music listening to trance, techno and house music. He now prefers darker grooves with heavier beats and acid electro melodies with dirty synths. ::::::::::::::::::::ESPAÑOL::::::::::::::::::::: A muy temprana edad su mayor influencia fue la musica house de los 80's. Luego comenzo a tocar y escuchar hardcore y punk; que influenciarian su estilo de manera definitiva. Tambien mostro interes por el hip-hop y el trip-hop. Luego comenzo a explorar la musica electronica escuchando trance, techno y house. Ahora prefiere musica mas oscura con beats mas pesados y melodias acidas electro con sintetizadores distorcionados.
Sounds Like: Click here to download my sets ------------------------------------------------------------ Click aqui para bajar mis sets ------------------------------------------------------------ ----
Record Label: Black Leather Records
Type of Label: None