The Fashion Police profile picture

The Fashion Police

"searching through the writhing mob..."

About Me

Bio and history:
There are alot of artists who follow a particular genre, and try to follow current trends. (And these usually end up becoming the "flavour of the month" those acts that burn brightly for a short while, but also those that fans quickly become weary of, and usually have a short shelf-life, to ultimately fade into obscurity.)
Others may try to be "a little of this, a little of that" and try to please everyone, instead of focusing on a particuar market. (And usually these end up being nothing at all.)
Every now and then, an artist comes along who defines their own genre, and invents their own sound, maintaining their own niche.
The Fashion Police are one of those rare breed of bands and artists who do just that, staying genre-focused, defining their genre, inventing a sound that is their own, setting their own trends, creating timeless art, forever capturing unforgettable moments, transending time and space.
While "The Fashion Police" have been an artist of international renown for quite some time, having played concerts as large as several thousands, their beginnings, as most artists, were of a humble sort.
See the "Rus Stewart" myspace for full bio on him and about the beginnings of The Fashion Police.
In 1999 or 2000, Rus Stewart first heard Aastiage, and the vocals of Shadi Ziaei, when listening to a Future Music Readers Demos CD. (probably issue 100) Later, in 2006, he contacted her while Googling her name and finding her site, and emailing her regarding the band.
Through contact with Shadi, the renowned Cliff Disney had also become involved as the band's producer and mastering engineer.
The collaboration with Shadi and Cliff is underway, as is some tracks featuring Patrick Gadola. Also, see their myspaces for info on those artists.
Scott Romano pending to work with the band in the future, and has written some lyrics and participated in some studio jam sessions.
YOUR COMMENTS ARE ENCOURAGED, WE LOVE TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS, AND COMMENTS ARE WELCOME, BUT PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ABOUT OUR, positive input is immortalised by being copied and pasted into the feedback section of the blog!
Reviews of music from other artists are on the Robotique Records music page, as Rus used to run a radio mixshow and write reviews. THANK YOU!!
MySpace Layouts
    MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests


Member Since: 7/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Rus Stewart (original member, synths, drum programming, instrumentation)
Shadi Ziaei (vocals, possible other instruments, collaboration)
Patrick Gadola (vocals, guitar, drums, electo-acoustic projects, concerts)
Cliff Disney (our producer for projects with Shadi)
the Electrodroid (a robotique records stage-prop, yes, a real droid!)
Jason Gearin, and Scott Romano (past collaborations, some demos, rehearsal sessions)

Rus Stewart's influences may include, in no particular order of importance:
Joy Division, Xymox (also known as Clan of Xymox), New Order, The Psychedelic Furs, Depeche Mode, The Affordable Floors, Red Flag, Anything Box, Suzzanne Vega, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Camouflage, Book of Love, Kraftwerk, The Mission UK, Simple Minds, Ebyn Ozyn, Trans-X, Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Kate Bush, The Cure, many others.
"Most things of substance between about '80 and '91 (also certain newer stuff at times) that was of the New Wave sort, I found something within, which I had been able to get something from....also some Ambient music, Trance, and House during various times, even some classical, I may have been able to derive something from."
"Usually, the longer, more abstract tracks, the less commercialised and less-obvious gems on an album, and B-sides from singles, are the ones I like the best, and are the ones I found to be the most innovative, with their more open-minded spirit of sonic experimentation, and these are the ones which I find to be more creatively inclined."
Scott Romano's influences:
New Order, Depeche Mode, The Smiths, The Cure, The Psychedelic Furs, U2
(more info is coming)
Shadi Z's influences:
"My influences are most likely:
Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, PJ Harvey, Tori Amos, Garbage and most recently, believe it or not, Gwen Stefani! :-)) also recently, Blue October, Citizen Cope..."
"I also cannot get enough of six feet under! and I'm addicted to cheesy reality shows! :-) ..."

Sounds Like:
It is music that transcends expectations.
It is music for those who are looking for something that is a bit different.
Simplicity and complexity happening at the same time.
A collection of feedback from some of the posts in our comments is preserved in the blogs now, to see some reaction from fans. It grows as more is added, as you provide your input, read them and see what others think.

At our concerts, the quality of the music is the focus over all other elements.
You will see none of the fluff typical of today's disposable "pop star" culture.
No pre-choreographed dance-moves, no lip-syncing. Just great music.
Most of our tracks are long, leaving the listener enough time to vicariously be taken on a journey as he or she enjoys it.
We do not try to be a "popstar" band.

A brief description accompanies each one where the "lyrics" menu is beside each MP3 file in that section.

what synthesizer are you?:
You are a Roland Juno 60-You are an analog synth from the 80's who can pump out bass frequencies like no other-your anolog sound is treasured by the breakin' electro kids of the old school-you are highly respected-you aren't very high tech and dont like computers-you can either be a leader or offer great support when you need to-you are one of the coolest kids out there
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Record Label: Robotique Records (since 1988!)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


obscurity   hear footsteps fade as we walk away hear footsteps fade  as we walk away a tortured sea of sinking souls enduring to the end like a heavy rain on a holiday we are burning bridges...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:31:00 PST

this is my life (words written by shadi z)

Shadi Ziaei, words; Cliff Disney, production; Rus Stewart, instrumentals *THIS IS MY LIFE* i am treehigh and greenthick and thinbark and seed i am birdflying freedancing feetfeathers and beak i am sky...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:33:00 PST

i suppose (words written by shadi z.)

Shadi Ziaei, words; Cliff Disney, production; Rus Stewart, instrumentals *I SUPPOSE*  (words in Farsi and English) midoonam vaght nadAshti (i know you didn't have time) sang sareh rAham mizAshti ...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:29:00 PST

Astray (words)

Astray (words) Astray  (words, a simple track, mostly instrumental...had a dark, gothic feel.  Like most Fashion Police tracks, there is a long instrumental intro, and a long instrumental s...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 08:16:00 PST

A cosmic joke (words)

A cosmic joke   (new track pending recording of vocals)   You make life a laughable trip It is really sick Much like your sense of humour Your twisted sense of humour Your morbid sense of hu...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 10:17:00 PST

boredom (words)

boredom   (words and music composed by Scott Romano and Rus Stewart, words not recorded yet to the instrumental, as per the date of this posting, and it is undecided as per who will be ...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:15:00 PST

a shame (words to lost track that hasn't been finished)

words coming soon.  this was to be recorded in 1996 to an instrumental that rus stewart had composed about a decade earlier. jason gearin was to sing, but the track was never finished, ...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 11:03:00 PST

Strange Echoes (words)

strange echoes     i hear a....strange sound echoing thru the halls visions of conformity cast up on the walls... echoes of... conformity i hear echoes of... conformity expectations of... co...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 09:08:00 PST

The Iridescent Sky (words)

The Iridescent Sky   thru the sky voices in my mind ascending to the iridescent clouds but everything remains the same transcending time and space from a sea of sinking souls into the iridescent ...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:10:00 PST

Manifesto (words)

Manifesto (words, Rus Stewart, written to track composed by Rus Stewart and Scott Romano -vocals and guitar on the demo-and Rus Stewart, -synths and drum machine- written August, 2007, for upcoming Ro...
Posted by The Fashion Police on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:05:00 PST