Gloredhel profile picture



About Me

I have the strength, to change things that need to be changed - I am calm enough to be able to accept that some things can't be changed - Should I fall, I'll be strong enough to get back up on my feet - not more, not less

My Interests

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

I'd like to meet:

The ones who know, what this means to me:


Tolkien,Feist,King,Goodkind,Hohlbein,de Sade,Abercrombie a.m.o.


see Toplist^^

My Blog

Women online - some facts and figures (in German)

Soviel zum Thema die Beschaffenheit des Klientels von Online - Singlebörsen. Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil. Und der Rest darf sich gleich mal in eine der angeführten Kategorien einordnen: Typ1) ...
Posted by Gloredhel on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 04:31:00 PST