well... first of all, i'm making my space in english so it could be like... understood for a whole lot of people... but i speak spanish a lot more than english... i personally think that my english sucks. if you find an extremely nasty typo... don't bother.. i know that my language sucks, especially with gramatic errors. if something doesn't make sense... just forget it.I'm just a normal kid... i like electronic music a lot, especially drum & bass... but started listening to some breaks... thanks to dj icon.I'm really skinny people... i hate it. some people tell me that i should stay like this... but i really want to gain some weight (muscle weight obviously)i'm not really creative... so if my space sucks... give me some suggestions.and most of all, i'm not perfect. i have defects everywhere... but i at least learn to live with people that are different and not the way i want them... everybody has defects and i have a lot. learn to live.
Measure Your Fears - Would You, Wouldn't You, You Did
Pet a snake: i did
Spend a week in an empty room: no way
Ride in a hot-air balloon: i would
Sky dive: no
Sing in front of a huge audience: no
scuba dive: yeah
Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster: i did
Deliver a baby: no damn way man holy shit
Swim across the Amazon River: jajajajaja.... no
Change careers: ... no
Disappear for a long period of time: i did
Walk through the forest alone at night: i did
Join a space mission: no way
Tell everyone what you honestly think of them: jajajaajajaj maybe
Call off your wedding: no
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hour: no way
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girl: no way
Disarm a bomb: i would
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraper: no way
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent marker: no damn way
Go on tour with Elvis: no
Go swimming during a thunder storm: no
Preform surgury on your best friend: no
Very Long Yet Extremely Exciting Myspace Survey.
Full Name: samuel
Nick Name(s): sammy i guess
Birthday: april 29
Height: 5'10''
Hair Color: jet black
Hair Length: .....
Eye Color: dark brown
Birth Place: cant remember... i think my mom was there though
Current Location: behind you
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Shoe Size: 11
Clothing Style: dont care
Do you wear make up?: nooo
Does anybody you know think you're emo?: ... no
Do you have a livejournal or xanga?: no
Do you have/share a cell phone?: yes
Do you have any tattoos?: maybe...
Do you want any tattoos? If so, where?: guess... naa just kiddin
Do you wear hats?: no
Do you drink?: duh... how do you think im alive
Do you swear?: yeah
Do you smoke?: hell no
Have you ever done drugs?: no no no
Have you ever drank?: no
Have you ever been drunk?: no
Have you ever barfed from drinking too much?: i dont think so
Would you ever try a cigarette?: no
Have you ever tried a cigarette?: never
What day is it?: february 33rd
What's your favorite day of the week?: friday
Are you single/taken?: single
Do you like anybody? If so, who?: a lot of people
Do you want to get married?: yeah
Do you want to have kids?: maybe someday
Do you have a job? If so, what?: yo hago lo q me de la gana
Do you have any pets?: YES
How many computers are in your house right now?: 3
Are you on a lap top right now?: yeah
Are there any laptops in your house right now?: yeah
When's the last time you were asked out?: yeah right... to play paintball
When's the last time you realized/thought for sure somebody likes you?: never
Do you enjoy single or group dates more?: single
Do you like Starbucks?: yup
Do you consider yourself High-Maitenence?: no
Have you ever been called a slut?: jajajjaja no
Have you ever been beaten up?: yeah
Whats your favorite....
Food?: dont care
Color?: same as above
Band?: same as food
Artist?: tiesto
Rapper?: same as band
Type of Music?: drum bass and trance
Type of Movies?: same as color
Sport to Play?: paintball
Sport to Watch?: nascar and indy racing league
Song at the Moment?: same as rapper
Season?: spring
Month?: ....
Scent?: same as food
Type of Dessert?: same as above
Vegetable?: same as scent
Fruit?: same as dessert
Word/Abbreviation to use on Instant Messanger?: chillin
Website?: aa.com... the first one in the list
Instrument?: same as song
Thing to do when you're Bored?: take this survey
Back To The Random/Sweetness...
Do you like going to the beach?: sometimes... when i feel like it
Have you been out of country? If so, how many times?: no..
How many states have you been too?: 3
How many times have you moved?: 2
Finish It Up...
Holy Shit! Look at: that
What a rotten: day
My friends are: having sex
I Love: my friends
This? or That?
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
Vanilla or Chocolate?: chocolate
Mountain Dew or 7Up?: mountain dew
Iced Tea or Lemonade?: lemonade
Starbucks or Tim Hortons?: starbucks
Black or White?: black
Teal or Pink?: ....
Blonde or Brunette?: blonde
Abercrombie or Hollister?: ? w?
Dogs or Cats?: dogs
Day or Night?: night - fun driving jajaja
Gucci or Coach?: ?
Back to the Random/Sweetness...
Have you ever peed your pants after age ten?: no
Do you watch MTV?: same as above
Who knows you better;; your friends or your family?: cant remember
Who's your "best friend"?: my shadow
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: customer service
Who have you known longest?: god
Who do you miss most, if any?: jesus christ
Who's the friendliest?: god i guess
Who knows you best?: .... my mom
Who can make you smile no matter what?: a lot of people
Who do you get in the most fights with?: my best friend...
Who do you get along best with?: ....
Who has the nicest house?: i do
"The Last"
Person you commented through Myspace?: laura
Person who commented you through Myspace?: laura
Person you IMed?: potato
Person who IMed you?: potato
Thing you ate?: cereal
Thing you drank?: water
Clothing Item you bought?: cant remember
Coffee Drink you've had?: colao
Person you said you loved?: dont know
Person you said you hated?: nobody
Thing that was annoying you?: miguelo
More random/sweetness...
would you rather eat your own foot or die in your sleep?: die in my sleep
would you rather kiss a person of your same sex or kiss a telephone pole?: kiss a telephone pole
Would You rather eat a snickers or hersheys bar?: snickers
What was the last thing you saw?: a white pixel from my computer screen
What was the last movie you watched?: secret window
What are you listening to?: conteo
Who are you thinking about?: nobody
Who do you hate at the moment?: nobody
Would you rather drive a Punch Bug or a PT Cruiser?: pt cruiser
Do you have Cable for your TV?: yep
Do you have Satellite TV?: no
Are you in love?: yeah
Name one person you think likes you right now.: ....... jeeze
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
Who do you think is thinking about you right now?: i dont know but there is a lizzard staring at me
What color is your room?: white
Why did you take this survey?: because.... that's why