The voice of an Unnown Nation. (Losst Unnown Inc.) Losst Unnown is not only a company but rather a movement that strives to preserve all talent and serves as a springboard for artists to speak out everywhere. As part of our mission, we make it our job to open people’s minds to the truth behind the industries’ continual misrepresentation of society, people and life. Manipulating pieces of Hip Hop culture for their own selfish gains not only devalues the real artists such as ourselves but destroys what inner city talent have spent years building. We feel it is essential to let everyone know the real deal.Most artists no matter what their specialty rarely receive proper compensation if any for their work. Yet there are plenty of people out there such as superficially bred artists or posers that possess a quarter of the talent of other quality artists receiving exorbitant amounts of money. How is this possible you ask? Unfortunately the world revolves around art, ideas and humanity to a much lesser extent than money and power. It’s not necessarily about talent or intelligence but connections, favoritism and politics. In the midst of all the superficial reality and media exploitation and we believe that real artists need to support each other.We are dancers, djs, mcs, spoken word artists, poets, graffiti writers, graphic and fashion designers, photographers, film directors, video editors, soon to be skateboarders and much much more. We LOVE what we do and LIVE for what it is we do.Although Hip Hop is a term we use to identify our main area of interest, nowadays it is a common misnomer. Hip Hop is not just a label or trend. Urban wear, street slang, rap, expensive cars, big shiny jewelry, half-naked females, guns, drugs, and pit bulls does not automatically mean you are “hood,†“street†or “Hip Hop.†Hip Hop is more than just an image or language but more so a culture that does not exclude anyone or anything. It’s about a state of mind; a freedom to express one’s self through beneficial outlets such as music, dance, poetry, art or whatever it is that makes you feel good. It’s about just being YOU and always staying TRUE to yourself no matter what. In the words of Losst Unnown, this is the definition of REAL Hip Hop. Our philosophy is not only reflected in our dance but in our clothing as well. The gear provides a constructive and creative outlet for us to communicate our thoughts and feelings about life and the world around us. Our ideas range from dance and music to urban, social and universal subject matter. The people we work with support our ideology and enjoy spreading our message to broader audiences. Hip Hop is not necessarily an answer, but a stepping stone that allows us to affect positive change on the culture of our youth and the world at large.If you have a talent that you are passionate about we believe that together we can achieve our goals. If you would like to find out more about Losst Unnown Inc. or are interested in becoming part of the team then give us a shout src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v83/WarpOne/LOSSTLOGO -drok.jpg"
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