Dj Xta-C profile picture

Dj Xta-C

Makin' you feel Xta-C without taking extacy

About Me

Alright let me sum things up for you...I come from a very rough past filled with death, drugs, violence, gang banging, and other moraless and curruption filled behavior and environment. I lived a society and anger induced lifestyle until a time where i was locked up facing a total of 75 years in jail for one of my outbursts of violence.. I sat in jail locked up for months awaiting trial with no word on my case..things started happening in there which i passed off as coincidence until finally it all started leading to a much deeper meaning... I was one of those people who had to see things to belive them(still am) and overtime GOd worked his way into my life through many things i first passed off as coincidece, but evetually added up to a point where it was logically something else (long story) ...after persistantly refusing and denying Christ I finalally accepted him into my life...At the time, I did not belive in any thing, in fact. my belief was that if there was a God Why was I In jail...After finally accepting him into my life, I watched everything I once believed in and knew Diminish, as a new revelation of my life was about to unfold...After I was newly created, I began experiacing a feeling greater than any other I had every felt (better than rolling LoL) It was a feeling of happyness that had me happier than i had ever been (and I was In jail!!!) It was to a point where I walked around whistling and singing to myself!...My heart was filled with the Holy Spirit...I was a new Man---- A man of God...Since accepting Christ, I have Encountered end-less miricles one of which is being Free!!! I was let out By one of his works after only months...Well thats along time to be in there, but compared to 75 yrs. its a joke... Since my release i went back to school to obtain My H.S.D. and now I Graduate College in August with my degree in Business... Everything I Have achived and everythin I have Including my freedom I owe to my Savior and I willacknwledge that through many means(including My Car).....Over time I have fallen short of the glory of God but i try my hardest to maintain my sanity and virtues though my on going battle with our morally deprived culture...I so far have been able to supercede my standard of one virtue, in which I hold sacred to any friendship or relationship (business or personal), and that is honesty. It may in some cases cause me grief, but I can Be counted on to be honest... If you are honest, respectful, and compassionate YOu can call yourself a friend of mine.....

My Interests

Music, Cars, God, and Future..

I'd like to meet:

Anyone displaying Kindness, compassion, and positivity...Christian or not ,One must have respect for them selves and embrace morality and virtues in which they act apon in there day to day lives.. I am looking for People who are tring to exel and prosper in ther lives and who share some of the same interests as I, Although I am not picky when it comes to friends, I try to have love for everyone (Keyword-try lol ).....


Hard trance, Dance, Techno, breaks, hiphop and just about everything but country...


Passion of Christ, Butterfly Effect, Mothman Profecies, I did also like The last Samuri and Braveheart my movie tastes are diverse I do typically like scary movies and ones that give you that compelled or tikkley feeling in side, Gotta love the movies that stimulate you LOL and happy endings are the s***...


Mostly TBN but often browse to entertainment not filled with drama and deciet such as much of these reality shows Sorry Girls Cant stand the Drama† † † † † † † † † Click HERE To Generate FallingObjects! † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †


I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


The one and only ...J.C.Pictures of Heaven!!! Thanks to Smiley!
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My Blog

From my baby!!

I have met the ONE.. he came out of nowhere and changed my whole world, my whole outlook on this place of life, has made me happier and angrier than i could ever imagine. i love him dearly with all th...
Posted by Dj Xta-C on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:54:00 PST

My thoughts on our scene...

I am so Greatful for those people who attend our parties for the mere sake of the music, the fun, the freedom, and vibes and plur that are exsistent at our events. Hypnotic as one of the key players i...
Posted by Dj Xta-C on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 04:37:00 PST

Click here to see more pics

What can I say...I love Pussy ...
Posted by Dj Xta-C on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 12:58:00 PST

Our performance(s) sept. 24th

About Saturday night Body: What can I say... Un-fucking-belivable!!!! Our set at Xit was kind of lame due to our early slot ,but our early act was convienant due to our tight schedule... As you kn...
Posted by Dj Xta-C on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 01:41:00 PST