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Black Alice

When we encounter disorder, we like to organize and label it. Categorizing oneself for the sake of i

About Me

I don't MySpace much anymore.

My Interests

MUSIC, guitar, religion, survival, Jack Daniel's, the fucking OUTDOORS (New York, you are ugliness itself, the dirty fingerprint of Man's heavy hand), making a noticeable effort to become the good person I always claimed to be, staying human, my pet panther Vincent Vega (Cody has him), Saying No, separating the wheat from the chaff, learning how to live In the world but not be Of it, fusing the Dichotomy into one whole, staying Outside of everything, Your Mother. Lots of other things, but I can't seriously be expected to list every little thing that captivates my mind at any given moment.

I'd like to meet:

A long list of people who are dead or missing; Slash; Jesus; Glenn Danzig; Tom Waits; Cody Costello on the road one day. And your mother.


IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: Metallica, the Doors, the Misfits (DANZIG ONLY, NOTHING POST '83), Tom Waits, Guns N Roses, Bob Dylan, Jimi, Janis, Danzig, the Allman Brothers, Zeppelin, Floyd, Beatles, Pantera, Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath (I like the solo stuff better, Ozzy worked with better instrumentalists; Iommi was great, but too simplistic), White Zombie (not Rob so much), Stevie Ray Vaughan AND his brother Jimmie, Nirvana, Alice In Chains (R.I.P. Layne), Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Motley Crue, HIM, Zakk Wylde/Black Label Society, Sublime, Rancid, Air, ASG (Local band in Wilmington NC, they're BADASS, check them out), Avenged Sevenfold, Beastie Boys, Beck, Bob Marley, CKY, the Cramps, Crash Test Dummies, Distillers, Elvis, Sinatra, Garbage, Etta James, Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, Rollins Band, Jack Johnson, Jeff Buckley, Johnny Motherfuckin' Cash (I actually love and am familiar with his music, unlike most who have lately seemed to jump on the train because he's cool), Louis Armstrong, Modest Mouse, My Chemical Romance (occasionally), Mojave 3, Iron and Wine, Nancy Sinatra, Neil Young, Oasis, Outkast, Pixies, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Reverend Horton Heat, Weezer, Type O Negative, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Brahms, Strauss, Chopin, almost all of the classical composers (I'm less partial to Handel than most others for some reason), Carl Orff, Danny Elfman (NO FORMAL MUSICAL TRAINING!?!), Steve Vai, Joe Satriani (Yngwie Malmsteen is an overly-technical cocky prick and I hate most of his work because of that), Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, B.b. King, Albert King, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams Sr./Jr., David Allan Coe, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings. Some of my personal friends are my musical heroes too, even some who I don't talk to much anymore... Tim Rowe, Mike Del Signore, Adam Cannon, Aaron Austin, all amazing guitar players who I learned from over the years. Cody Costello and Sam Herring as word artists. But my number one right hand man for all time is SLASH.


Pulp Fucking Fiction and all things John Wayne. The Searchers. Natural Born Killers; Almost Famous; Black Snake Moan; All Tarantino and/or Rodriguez; Clockwork Orange; Dr. Strangelove, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Cool Hand Luke; The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Dirty Harry; All Disney animated features up to the era that ended with The Hunchback of Notre Dame, after which they started doing some WICKED lame Li-Blow & Snatch bullshit to phase out hand-drawn and make way for CGI (which ain't even like, on the level with Toy Story anymore. Don't even get me started on how those fucktards at Disney have been letting me down since the autumn of my childhood); Um, right... so, GOOD movies... fuck it, you get the point. Cowboys and bad people. I like movies about cowboys and bad people; and the occasional ones with Angelina Jolie naked. And animals.


Waste of time, waste of mind power, waste of LIFE. TV is the invisible protective shield against bare reality. I'm so far removed from TV culture that I can barely even tell you why I hate it anymore. Other than the fact that the government uses it as a tool to keep you uninformed. A nation of TV addicts... if everyone's stuck in the box, then they're not going to be paying any attention to what's going on OUTSIDE of the box...


I stopped reading for a while. It about made me stupid. I spent years being sad and crazy, but the creativity that should have come with those things was absent. When I started reading again it was like my mind Opened Up... It was dry for a spell- intellectual hell- with brain output less than prolific; i'd attempt conversation, face abject humiliation in attempts to say something specific. Awkward silence was heard, while I searched for the word, the terrible silence that kills. Books don't do much for sadness, even less for your madness, but they're great for your verbal skills.


*My mom and dad. Do something about it. *Rochelle, because even though you're the most loving, giving, strong and capable individual I know, when it comes down to it you're just fuckin' WEIRD, man. *James Phoenix 'cause you're the smartest, and the coolest, and the baddest and the prettiest (next to ME). Never been through so much shit with ANYBODY. I'll miss you for a long time. *John Wayne *Your Mother

My Blog

I'm from the beach.

Problem is we all have to grow up sometime, and leave the beach behind like something to pipe dream about while we go out and get older busting our asses in new lands we don't even like, onl...
Posted by Black Alice on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 05:54:00 PST

Loose Soles

It seems the Smart One never did so well in schoolThe only way's the hard way to learn living's most important rulesApprenticed under tramps and travelers who mastered playing coolTo graduate with hon...
Posted by Black Alice on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:01:00 PST

White Horses

If I had a loaded gunI'd shoot them all down one by oneShoot them till the last was doneMy shining fallen preyThe pretty people in the sunEyes wide with fear would turn and runAnd catch the bullet fro...
Posted by Black Alice on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:42:00 PST

Happy Fucking Valentine's Day.

I just thought I'd tell everybody that I think Valentine's Day is lame and so are all participants.  I, being endlessly cooler and more badass than you (but not your mother), will be spending Val...
Posted by Black Alice on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:58:00 PST