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I am here for Friends

About Me

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Girly Myspace Comments
So I'm damn near 33 (shut up Amber or I'll reveal your real age), and I'm proud to say that I love and I feel loved. Isn't that what's most important in this world anyways? I have a great husband (Ben) and a terrific son (Alex - he's 4!). We are hoping to add to our little family, so when the Universe decides it's time, we will be grateful for yet another blessing. Our extended family has been through the ringer over the last year, and it's been tough to not let it affect us too much, but it's been eye opening to us, and we have really come to appreciate what we have.I'm a person who tries to learn from other people's mistakes...not that I don't make my own, but I'm not the "I have to learn for myself" type. I think the best indicator for the future is to look at the past. I pray each and every day that Alex feels how much he is loved and more than anything in this world, I hope he finds happiness in his life.I pray that Universal Healthcare is born within my lifetime and I hope we see a Democrat win the Presidency in November. I support the hope that Barack Obama inspires and look forward to our country reuniting. I hate that I pay $3.50 for a gallon of gas. I hate that we have family members moving out of the state to find work. And I hate that there's little I can do about it. I'm fearful for the future of our planet and although I don't do enough, I'm starting to get on the "Green" bandwagon and encourage each of you to do the same...if not for you, then for your children. If not for your children, then for my child. Whatever it takes.More than anything, I'm happy that I have each and every one of you in my life. There's nothing more important to me than my family and friends, and I'm so glad that I've realized my priorities before it's too late.Update: Below is a video from the Forest Fire that threatened Grayling last Thursday. This is right by the Admiral Station on the right just as you get off the exit ramp. What you don't see is that the exit ramp is engulfed at this point too.

My Interests

movies, playing with my son, and that's about all I have time for!! when I do happen to find extra time, I love photography, camping, picnics, late night karaoke, euchre, talking politics (Obama '08) and I whole heartedly believe laughter is the best medicine (plus it burns like 3 calories...so laugh till it hurts!).
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I'd like to meet:

hmmm.....sigh...although he is bordering on TOO cocky these days.
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As my husband would say....if a 15 year old likes it, then I probably do too. But my absolute favorite would be the Dixie Chicks...they can bring me to tears.
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Just Friends, Goonies, The Notebook (although I've never seen it...everyone tells me it would be a favorite...)
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But this should make him feel better...
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Used to love Grey's Anatomy, but I'm growing bored with it. Is it just me? Still haven't given up, but I'm close. I do love most things reality...Big Brother is a fave. The Office, My Name is Earl, Lost. And I will always be a lifelong GH fan.



I should read more. :)


My family.....


My Blog

Grayling Forest Fire - with update

Hi everyone,Some of you may have heard that we had a major forest fire start around 3:30pm this afternoon. I decided to leave work early so I could pick Alex up and take him to soccer practice (I had ...
Posted by Rachel on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 04:54:00 PST

We the jury, find the defendant GUILTY!

Cancer is a bitch.  Sorry for the bluntness, but there's just no other way to say it.  I sit here waiting to hear how my grama is (she was taken to the hospital by ambulance...feared heart a...
Posted by Rachel on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:22:00 PST

10 Random Thoughts about Dentists

1.)  Go to the dentist more often than once every 10 years.  Seriously...trouble lies beneath the deceiving smile. 2.)  Get your wisdom teeth out.  I hear the drugs are fabulous.&n...
Posted by Rachel on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 05:45:00 PST

The good, the bad, and the ugly of 2007

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Answer:  sometimes. 2007 has come and gone.  I can honestly say that I never would've predicted many of the things that have ...
Posted by Rachel on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 08:38:00 PST


The older I get, the more I realize how lucky I am to be a part of the family I have.  We had a picnic today, and after the waterfight (another story for another day!), I dried myself off, got a ...
Posted by Rachel on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:24:00 PST