Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
My daughter, BMX (geah), Danza Mexika, Danzas tradicionales, Learning traditional Songs, Speaking and Listening to the truth (liberating, haha), Basketball, Basketball and more basketball, Running (barefoot), traditional races (tell me I will go), mountain biking, Trail running, Lifting and working out to get from a six to an eight (geah), My Speed Four, my JEEP ;(, Oh yeah and I' dropping poetry again. Check out local poetry sessions in burque, I might be there....Sometimes it is good to be reminded of who you are...We cant hide that...we are who we are we do what we do, sometimes cuz we gotta sometimes cuz we either case to be a man take responsibility for your actions...My sister reminded me of this in easter break...tnx, If being me got me this far in life why change...fear, control, rage, its all in our vains, how do we transfer that energy to make it positive....I am who you want to see, the perfection you are looking for is inside you not me, me I am just me...simon que si...wearing a pinche's rabbit's foot for luck (wasn't lucky for the rabbit), round and round we I wonder am I El gallo negro or el Miklo, maybe even a bit of Paco Aguilar...da black
Searching searching....con los pensamiento serpentinos y acompanado por la luna...Mi me escondio...Can't change who is in your heart...unconditional...they dont have to love you Baggage....straight up....Asi soy, sere, pa siempre....Back to good ol Azul KuXilen IntheShade, weird, to some I showed a face you would never see, to some you seen a me that dont exist, Do what I do cuz I can, for those that no longer walk this earth, for the lost soul, those in the sun, for those that will walk it. Now, imma take over the world, save it, to show my daughter that God does exist...and that dreams do come true.... que si hay familia... I was almost broken, so close, to be broke, it was a good lesson to help me realize where I come from....i am a people of the sun, Xilen with skeletons and ghosts....I faced my deamons...ha...I found out they were more scared of me....haha...The one I run into on tuesdays at the gym.... And that one, the one I say for a split sec (In cyberworld) and knew she was the one...Another place another Time.... but for that second...just that was ku... The OG Homies aunque lejos pero en mi corazul: DUB, DUCK, DUDE, SPADE, Bronze, Sol, Tizok, Xino, Yabba, Gumby, Fernie, Billy, Jimmy, Blak
ITS shit, MISOL , Quetzal and the og Chikana Skies song, Xikano Records and Film stuff, Empowering music, California and Lakota Tradish songs, Drumming, Mariachi Music, Rebels of Rythme and Unity Committee aka J5, Lila Downs, Portishead, Cypress Hill, MellowManAce, 2pac, M&M, Underground L.A. Shit like og Project Blowed, Goodlife, Nga Fish Pskotherapy, Khule knuckle sandwich, Rid stylin shit! My boy jizm, OMD, Sungodsons, BooyaTribe, the un Indio quiere llorar song, Mana, molotov, Control Machete, Akwid, "Me"- Azul shit, the Central camionera se lleva a mi novia song, Yo soy de pasaje from my tio alex, and the quincianera song he sang to Vanny, My tio is the shit with og songs..., Los Juanes, jaguares, and the beat of mother earth, if it comes from you or the souls that make you who you are, that song, your smile, is ku like that, it makes us move, dont forget that...At one point I thought I was irreplaceable..., maybe I am but I am also unstoppable... I am here, to listen, to learn, to share a story or a song...the ones I tell are true stories, told by the wind them birds, them trees, the stars, the moon, nuestra tierra sagrada, el maiz, stories of love, stories of inspiracion, stories of living and of chilling... "I'll make you famous"Pull the trigger and find out....Jerry Clown Music...drum group....Oh yeah I also like some Quese IMC and of Course the beautiful Happy Frejo Project... Still in shock the dude lives in the varrio...close to tepeyac? Ku, A.this past weekend in a hole in the wall some hermanos that ran the world ages ago, got together, they asked one to go up...cuz he had not sung in about twelve years except in church, my tio alex joined them...the spirits where happy, they rocked and most importantly my daughter was in ah, she couldnt believe the skills her grandpa had, and her uncles... Mi tio congero...ever... My dad...from the corazon...aint no thing like a come back, cuz you never left, just remebering now and that is what counts.... Con amor y respeto por ustedes, mis tios, mi tio Juan and Mi tio JoseLuis, y los demas que no estuvieron ayi...revivir!!!
The Killer(Its really a chick flick with lots of violence), Whale Rider, Once Were Warriors, ThunderHeart, Incident at Oglala, RAD, Amores Perros, El nino y la estrella, Tizok, Nosotros los Pobres ustedes los Ricos, The Crow. Young Guns I II (Mex NDN you son of a ...), pos...American Me and Blood In/Out, The prophecy (just to think you have to trust the devil sometimes...).Constantine, Fight Club, The Notebook...alll that work for 5 minutes que mens..que enamorado....que pen...sativo, Oh yeah long time ago I fell asleep watching City of Angels...I finallly saw it, yeah I'd do it...El Nino y La Estrella...AY te voy abuelo...La Banda del Carro RojoLa Nina de la mochila azul con los hojitos dormilinos....Marcelino, Pan y Vino
NBA league pass, All The Lakers Games.... HIgh School Musical 1,2 and Hanna Montanna (Obviously this is not by choice, but I catch myself watching that junk even when my lil one aint with me).. Y una buena novela....pero como que no existe... anyone member that quincenera novela from back in the day... I got a bowguard and now I look like pancho....Memo was a punk...
Codices, publicaciones de los temachtiani en el Zocalo. Reading a lot of special ed books on passive aggressive behavior, Behavior Intervention Plans, IEP writing goals, and for fun or a good laugh I read your profile..jk too many books so lil time...laffy taffy jokes,
Mi Ama, My hermana, My daughter, My Abuelita, My joaquinsito and Rosanelly, Mi Apa, Mi tio Alex, Eagle Spirit (Armandito, siempre el guia),My 8th Grade teacher Mr.Shultz and Miss Lopez and Ms Wilson from Saint MAry's, Spiderman, G force,mumra,Kaliman, Snakeeyes, ...Mil Mascaras, Che, Zapata, los Chiapatistas, la jente que vive de la tierra, somos el maiz, and if you ever stopped to listen to the story of a homeless person, then them for really keeping it real and you for listening.... and all the eloteros and paleteros that are giving us back our culture for just a buck!! And you, Your spirit, your persona, your smile and laughter, your essence and those that stand next to you, those old ones that represent your cultura and ancestors...todavia estamos aqui... All the kids from the Eastlos Projects, those from the Rez...your education is your ticket you guys...handle yours and your dreams will come true...even for a minute..they will come... then the great return....To Mike K and G, thanks for helping catch my breathe in moments I could of slipped, but always kept it real...Homeboy Industries....