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I'm not an outdoors person. I curse the sunlight. Well its not that bad. I am nerd, and a geek, and whatever else you want to call it that's me. Otherwise, I like to read when I can. I love photography. I don't write much poetry anymore, though I am thinking of picking up some unfinished stories I wrote once.
You can tell most of the music I am interested in strictly by the videos I have posted on this page. Keep checking back for new videos by different artists! I just bought a ticket for my first Weird Al concert which will be in September. So to celebrate, its Weird Al time!First its his latest hit, which many of Al's fans (including myself) so well identify with. White and Nerdy!Next its the Bob Dylan spoof "Bob". Note every line in this song can be read the same backwards as well as forwards.Just for Deana I am posting this Chili Peppers parody!Forward this message onto everybody! Its a "Virus Alert"!Lastly, I know this isn't a musical clip but this is one of Al's best acting bits. It also features a pre-SeinfelD appearence by sometime racist Michael Richards.
I love all kinds of movies. Especially comedy and scince fiction. I like collecting DVDs and am especially fond of director commentaries.
I don't watch television anymore. The only series I am trying to collect the DVDs is "Northen Exposure". One of my favorite newer shows is the animated show Robot Chicken.
I guess I like scifi best. My favorite authors are at least scfi: Douglas Adams and Ray Bradbury. I read more magazines than anything else.
My favorite comedians of all time Monty Python!Silly DisturbancesSilly Job InterviewInteresting PeopleBicycle Repairman