smiley ♥ smile profile picture

smiley ♥ smile

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, I'm Melissa.

I'm not able to come online much right now.
Having no internet stinks. I hope to be back soon.
'Til then, I'll only be able to come online when I
visit friends/relatives and use their computers.

ps: current friends...please don't delete me!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who I Wish I Could Meet

Rest in peace, Denny.
I hope the world never forgets you.
maybe I'll meet him someday, in the next life.

I'd also like to meet my musician heroes:
Brian Wilson, Alan Jardine, The Monkees (already met Davy!),
the living members of the Beatles & the Doors.

also: all 60s/70s music lovers!

^^comment in the above box, please.

To all my friends...I love you all ♥


no music = no life

The Beach loves.
Their harmony is my Heaven.

-Dennis Wilson ♥
-Brian Wilson
-Carl Wilson
-The Music Machine
-The Blues Magoos
-Michael Nesmith
-Janis Joplin
-Jan and Dean
-The Ventures
-Electric Prunes
...& all the Nuggets albums.

More Favorites:

& alternative, modern rock, Christian, metal, country, dance, trance, house, new age & classical.


and Amadeus, Head (The Monkees), A Hard Day's Night, Donnie Darko, Madness of King George & Easy Rider.

My Blog

Me, me...all me.

Some of you know about the problems in my personal life that have been going on, and I've been getting a lot of people telling me that they're praying for me, or at least sending me messages asking me...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 07:18:00 PST

Whoa, that was SCARY

To start things out, we had a really BAD line of storms come through here this past Friday. There was a tornado an hour or so away from my city that did a bit of damage. We've been having super bad we...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 11:16:00 PST

We FINALLY did it!!!

We moved into the new apartment on Saturday afternoon. I spent ALL day yesterday unpacking (and a little bit of time on Sunday). My gosh we have a LOT of stuff! I'm getting a lot of stuff together fo...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 12:05:00 PST

100 % truth

It's not always pretty, but it's who I am.The Perfect Adult Myspace SurveyThe BasicsName::Melissa Age::23 Birthday::April 29 Orientation::Straight BF/GF/Single/Married::Married Living Arrangments::Wit...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:18:00 PST

these are actually sort of true, sadly

You scored as Hippy. Hippy94%Loser88%Slut69%Nerdy Girl56%Goth38%Athletic Tomboy38%Preppy Girl13%Popular Bitch13%What type of girl are you?!!created with You scored as Shy. Your shy. Lots...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:22:00 PST

a happy day =)

I went to an antique store...and low and behold...look what I found, in perfect condtion...for only $2. I played it...and didn't hear a single pop. YAY for mint vinyl!!!!It's not like I don't already ...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 03:07:00 PST

i'm going nuts

I swear, I'm going to go insane living here with my in-laws. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great people and I love them to death...but I have NO privacy. I'm mad because last night I went lookin...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:40:00 PST

ok, I'm a wierdo.

I feel like such a kid! I mean seriously, the last two nights...pretty much all I've done is look up old childhood toys on Ebay lol. I'm thinking of saving my money and re-buying all the awesome 80s t...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 07:45:00 PST

how things are

So...this is kind of an update...I haven't really posted much personal stuff lately, and I've had a few friends want to know how I'm doing, so here goes. Clint finally found a good job, working at th...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 09:03:00 PST


I don't know why, but recently...I've started listening to music more often, like I used to. As a teenager, you couldn't tear me away from my Doors and Beach Boys records long enough to even eat dinne...
Posted by smiley ♥ smile on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 02:38:00 PST