Theatre, Physical Theatre, Dance, Theatre Education, Forum Theatre/Theatre of the Oppressed, Children's Theatre, Social Dance and Drama, Shakespeare, Combining Movement with Text, Spanish, LORCA, DalÃ, Picasso, Spain, New York City, Ethnic Foods, buying cheap theatre tickets, ethnography, writing plays, Mexico, Scrabble, yoga, medditation, the connections between Christianity and Buddhism and my wonderful friends and family.
There is so so much, but my buddies the Beatles have never done me wrong, but besides that, anything that makes we want to get up and dance! Snow Patrol also keeps creeping into my ipod.
The Princess Bride, Little Miss Sunshine, Life is Beautiful, The Hours, Finding Neverland, Peter Pan, Hable con Ella, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables (you have to watch them when you are home sick in bed!), Love Actually, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings
The Alchemist, The Poison Wood Bible, The Art of Happiness, Boda de Sangre, Cien Años de Soledad, Nancy Drew (I know, I am a nerd) Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia
My mother for being my inspiration, my father for pushing me to be my best, my grandmother who really is my twin, my siblings for their laughter and never failing to make me laugh and bringing out the child in me. They truly are the best! My friends for always supporting me in everything that I do.