Various, from metaphysical to mundane, carbon to capes, philosophy to horror/sci fi. Almost anything can hold my attention for some space of time. I especially like the smell of orange blossoms in spring and winter.CURRENT MOON moon phases
The Dali Lama, Christ, Satan, Lucifer, Shiva, Kali, Miyamoto Musashi, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Marx (Karl, that is.), Kant, Socrates, Plato & Aristotle just to start.Other than that, people with open minds, open hearts and learning souls. I feel like Diogenes sometimes in this life...
Mozart's Requiem, Evanescence, Bach, Beethoven, Devo and host of others. I like the melody and complimentary lyrics. It can be almost anything really...
Oh my... I miss the old B/W stuff. Silent movies too. Where has the artistic merit in writing gone?
History Channel, The Learning Channel, The SciFi Channel, TMC and the like. Religion has nothing against television as the opiate of the masses....
Books by Durant, Aristotle and other thinkers. Spy vs. Spy.
My mom, My Sister, & My Dad.