Jason1981 profile picture


Pillow Pants is her pussy troll..

About Me

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Man I haven't updated anything in a long time. Although I have plenty of time on my hands now that I'm laid off for the winter from my job doing GUARD RAIL. Well I've been playing darts at home by myself and I've been working out trying to tone up.Anyway I'm 6' tall, 185lbs. Black hair. I like watching movies, working out when I'm not working at my job doing GUARD RAIL, Big Montreal Canadiens fan. Speaking of them what has happened to them??? They were soooo good in December and now they play like a beer league team...oh well hopefully they'll snap out of it and get back on the road to the cup.I'm with an amazing girl. Alyson and I have been together for 2 years now and we're looking to move out in september so that should be a new experience.My little brother who helped me with my myspace profile...Thanks Damaged.Avatar..He kicks ass at Counter-Strike. If anyone dares challange him you will feel the fury of his mouse clicking ability. And he doen't hack...he gets kicked off a lot of servers for hacking but its just all the punks that can't stand that they suck so bad and my brother can kick they're asses so bad.

My Interests

Movies, Family Guy, Robot Chicken..its hilarious, UFC (Georges St. Pierre is the man...hopefully he has a quick recovery) Music, Working out, darts

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone...I'm an open honest person and like talking to anyone about anything...almost anything...I hate talking about furniture...I hate talking about furniture and how hard or soft and comfortable it is and colors...Colors are a no no...but I like red. Man I'm a weirdo.


Linkin Park, Heavy Metal, Stemm, hip hop, country...I'll listen to whatever is on the radio...I'm not picky. I'm not a huge fan of Slipknot and classical.


Seen: Clerks 2, United 93, World Trade Center,Can't wait for: Spider-Man 3, F4: rise of ss, 300 (Looks amazing) All horror movies, Ghostrider. Transformers, and TMNT.


Hey, hey where's that Peter Griffin fella. He said he'd give me a hundrend bucks to take off all my clothes off...To the Hindenpeter!!! Family Guy is the only show I'm really religeous about. Robot Chicken is another good one. UFC ROCKS




He-Man and the masters of the universe. Spiderman, Chuck Norris, that new kids on the block member that nobody cares about. and the snorkles.