Renata profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello ya'll, hope your having a most excellent day, I know I am, thanks for asking, lol.My name is Renata, I live in Edmonton, AB and am an easy going person who tries to live a good life. I work hard and love to laugh (when somethings funny, lol). For those who know me, you can fill in the rest, lol.I have a few web pages out there, along with this one, mainly to keep in contact with old friends and to look at other peeeps web pages to see whats good, lol. The first thing you might notice about my web page is that I don't have pictures up, honestly, I don't really feel the urge to, lol, umm, maybe someday. Thanks for checking out my page ladies and germs, lol, enjoy your journey!!!

Contact Tables

My Interests

Music, Movies, Television, Sports, Theatre, Film Making, Computers, Travelling, City Attractions, Cultral Activities (PowWow & RoundDances),etc. Wait i'd like to make a public announcement to you all and here it goes ....

I'd like to meet:

Just Good ole fashioned good people, Brad Pittand Wayne Gretzky yo, tee hee


Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous Girl, Justin Timberlake - Sexy Back, Nickelback - Never Again and Heroe, Evanescence - Bring me to Life, Metallica - Symphony of Destruction, most Rock and Roll, Top 40 songs and Oldies but goodies.


Well, first off I'd like to point out that I'm a major movie buff and have just added some of my favorite movies but not all like: Forest Gump,
Buried at PhotoCasket.comHarry Potter Series, LOTR Series, Grease 1 & 2,
Buried at Interview with a Vampire, Troy, Blade Series, Napoleon Dynamite, Walk the Line, Smoke Signals, Legends of the Fall, American Pie Series, Outsiders, Face Off, City of Angels, 10 Things I hate about you, etc


CSI, Meduim, Desperate House Wives,Heroes, American/Canadian Idol, The Search for the next Pussycat Doll, Extra, Entertainment Tonight, Oprah Winfrey, Home and Garden Channel, APTN Channel, etc.


The Color Purple and The Power of Intentions. I'm sure I read more books but for the life of me I don't remember any of them, tee hee. Honestly, I aint no dummy, lol, well at least that's what I tell myself, lol.


My Mummy and Daddy, they were my bestest friends and have been the most influential people in my life. They are my ultimate heroes.