Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 profile picture

Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing...

About Me

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ATTENTION: 1st of all READ THE WHOLE THING; You don't send a message-your request will be denied. I DON'T ADD PRIVATE PROFILES.(unless you're someone I DO know)Read, so I don't have to keep re-emphasizing it all! Spammers,Pervs,or sickos looking for a "good time" or wanting 2 date: piss off! I'm not here for that.& NO more MILF or "cougarhunter" messages!! My page says I don't have kids. DON'T ask 2 b added if u don't plan on K.I.T.,OR if you just want another babe 2 add 2 your pile. GUYS:spare me w/your "Come on lines!" And:Thug-wanna be's-piss off! ~I'm a Certified Massage Therapist 4 Chiropractors & run my own massage business. I'm Italian & French.I own my own home,& got a 14 yr old dog. I plan 2 go 2 Australia-November 2008. I LIVE 4 the beach!!(I also go by the nick-"Beachie") I sing,act,& have dance background. I LOVE my comedy;I've been a class clown/practical joker all my life. Comedy Inspirations: Eddie Murphy, John Ritter, Monty Python cast, Steve Martin, Jim Carrey, Bill Murray, John Candy, Denis Leary & Benny Hill. HOBBIES: bocce,volunteering & raising money 4 animal shelters,mountainbiking,hiking,fishing,camping,dancing, going 2 comedy clubs,& being w/my friends.*I'm a huge movie fanatic & called "The Queen Of Trivia" alot.
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:"When you give someone hope, you shouldn't mislead them."

My Interests

beaches,dolphins,wolves,palm trees,Comedy,mountainbiking, Native Amer. stuff,art,Mexico,Pilates, Vampires
& Halloween,poetry,dogs, dancing,Magic/Illusions,Chai tea,skydiving,mystical creatures,James Dean,"Becks",Bruce Lee,Brandon Lee,motorcycles,photography,parasailing,cartoons
,&New Zealand.

I'd like to meet:

Keith Urban,Brad Pitt,Hugh Jackman,Owen, & my Aussie online friends,"Becks,
"Sandra Bullock,
Criss Angel, Ashley Judd,Ron White,Maya Angelou,My Guardian angel-that is still on her coffee break(lol),Jim Carrey,Eddie Murphy,Jerry Bruckheimer,Craig Ferguson,Karl Urban, ,Scott Speedman,
, &Jerome Bettis.



Hosted at


X-Men movies,The Crow,
L.O.R movies,Vampire flicks,Someone Like You, Swordfish,Selena,13 Ghosts,The Notebook,Dumb& Dumber,Liar Liar, The Jerk,American Pie movies,Borat,James Bond movies,How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,Ghost,Grumpy Old Men movies,A Night @The Roxbury,Seven,13 Going on 30,The Lostboys,Splash,The Chronicles of Riddick,Uncle Buck,Stripes,Anchorman.



All In the Family,
Seinfeld,In Living Color
,Sat.Night Live,Three's Company,Ghost Whisperer, ,Night Court,Monty Python's Flying Circus,The Benny Hill Show,Friends,McCleod's Daughters(Aussie show),Will and Grace,all 3 CSI's,Without a Trace,Forensic Files,Scrubs,Cold Case Files,Criminal Minds,
Criss Angel Mindfreak,
and Highlander.


"The Soul would Have No Rainbow if The Eyes Had No Tears,"(Native Amer.proverb book),all Janet Evanovich's books,all JD Robb "In Death" series, Maya Angelou's poetry books, ,All Stephen King books,Collected tales of Edgar Allen Poe,Chicken Soup for The Soul books.


Maya Angelou, Princess Diana,all our troops overseas, all the 911 heroes that need 2 b remembered, Jimmy Stewart,Lou Gehrig,Mario Lemieux,and Jerome Bettis.

My Blog

MYSPACERS WHO DON'T PAY ATTENTION 2 YOUR PAGE(are they blind or stupid?)

      Is it just me or are there alot of other people out there in myspace land who think that people don't care how they get friends in here, and really don't pay a...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 03:01:00 PST

Laughter(my bro would say it is time to laugh again);The Chasers War On Everything show

Been trying to get back to me, as some of my friends in here that know me well, know I am a jokester & love to laugh & make people laugh. this vacation has brought some of it back to me as wel...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:26:00 PST

A poem for my brother, Matthew(R.I.P.) 1962-2007

                                    ~All Th...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 05:48:00 PST

Backstabbers/Fakes/and Self-Righteous, snakey family members

Yes, I've returned. But this time in my own posting for getting some stress/monkeys off my back, and venting for my own self-indulgence, & getting into the anger phase of healing. I also have...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 12:21:00 PST

I should have a "Paris Hilton is going to jail" theme party

               Those that know me, know me well. So let's hear it for a party about Paris going to jail. I cannot stand the uppity...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Sat, 12 May 2007 04:07:00 PST

Whoopsee!! Aren't people tripping & falling funny?

Amazing, isn't it, we can laugh at how badly someone hurts themselves from a trip, a fall, running into a tree on a bike, a pool billiard popping someone in the nads? You can't help but laugh ca...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 03:49:00 PST

Craig Ferguson explains Flirting (monologue)for all who aren't aware.

I'll definitely have to remember all these pointers from Professor of Love, Craig Ferguson. He's so wise. *Sigh* I just love how he explains the way that Scottish people flirt in his country, the way ...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST

Check out this video: Lizard Attack

Lizard Attack Add to My Profile | More VideosHaha!!!!!!!!! This guy must have thought he was going to lose a nad...or two. Loved the falling & the gagging & choking noises he made. I alm...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 05:58:00 PST

Borat's SNL Debut...I Like!

I finally bought Sasha Baron Cohen's movie-Borat on the release date. I love it. I already loved the guy & became a Youtube addict after sitting & watching alot of his vids in there....
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 04:42:00 PST

The Jingleheimer Junction(S-N-L sketch)

This video is too effin' funny. I still love it. &videoid=1266206241   Just gotta love those S-N-L skits.  I re-did this(3/31/...
Posted by Lady Italy Green Eyes a.k.a M4 on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 03:36:00 PST