Politics, baseball,Nature/hiking/camping,Singing. Language. Eating. Reading. Writing. Walking the calles, pathways, and grassways of Minneapolis.
Those who can listen, read, and understand.
The Beatles. John Taylor and TMWCTW. SMB, Stigmatta Handjob, Gravey. Squarepusher. Jeff Tweedy and Gary Loris. John Hiatt. Jay Bennett. Neil Young. Bruce Springsteen. Me. George Harrison. Richard D. James. Tom Jenkinson. Rob Goswitz. Dave Grohl. Billy Corgan. Sonic Youth.
The Godfather Trilogy. Crimes and Misdemeanors.Hannah and her Sisters. Apocalypse Now. Mar Adentro. The Shawshank Redemption. Sin City. Bull Durham. Kingpin. 16 Candles. Back to the Future. Wayne's World. Actors: Jim Carey,Anthony Michael Hall,Jack Nicholson. Alan Alda. Michael Caine. Michael Richards. Julia-Luis-Dreyfus.
Not much since last winter: Baseball, C-SPAN. The Office(Brithish). Colbert over Stewart (no offense-intended to Stewart. But Colbert is a rarer talent. Really I think you could find any number of Jew comedians that could do what Stewart does. Seinfeld. Curb Your Enthusiasm. Bill O'Reilly. Dave Chappelle. Fox News. Public Access/broadcasting.
Writers: Muhammad al-Mustafa ibn Abdullah. Abdullah-Yusuf-Ali. Mario Puzzo. Garrison Keilor. Woody Allen. Garth Ennis. Will Eisner. Jorge Luis Borges. Larry David. Albert Camus. Stephen Jay Gould. HST. Sayidd Qutb. King Kauffman. John Hughes.
People I have idolised: Muhammud ibn-Abduallah, Yusuf bin-Israel, Ibrahim bin-Azaria. Jesus Christ the son of Mary. Avram Noam Chomsky, Paul Wellstone, Bill Clinton, Al Gore. Kirby Puckett, Jack Morris, Johan Santana, Torii Hunter, Joe Mauer. Woodies Allen&Guthrie, Neil Young, John Hiatt, Billy Corgan, Jeff Tweedy. My Mom and Osama Bin Laden.