Jordan Shannon profile picture

Jordan Shannon

Jordan Shannon

About Me

I am a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. I was born and raised in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. I moved to L.A. in April of 2001 to pursue my singing career. I write my own lyrics and co-produce with Gabe Lopez ( Pick up your copy of the soundtrack to "Long-term Relationship", which features two of my songs, "Music Revolution", and "'Til My Feet Start to Bleed". It is available at,, and at itunes. Also a compilation cd featuring 1st season American Idol finalists Jim Verraros and Angela Peel, as well as Gabe Lopez, and Trinity who has a gold album in Japan. The compilation is untitled as of yet, and should be released early 2007. I am looking for management/representation and am currently shopping my demo around to record labels. I hope to become one of the greatest songwriters/performers of all time. I want to become a legend! I know I have a long way to go, and I look forward to every second until I make it there. Thanks for checking out my page. Much love and success to you all!

My Interests


Member Since: 2/10/2005
Band Members: Jordan Shannon
Influences: All the legends!
Sounds Like: I sound like me. =)
Type of Label: None