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About Me

hello. i'm, jamie. ocassionally headly, or hinton, tho. living, and working bk in newcastle now, having spent three yrs studying down in southampton. headin off to the eastern block for 2months come april 25th. doing the london marathon three days before. doing it for whizz-kidz. great cause if you've got a few spare pennies ;) (check out my page www.justgiving.com/whizz-kidz). enjoy getting away, and have worked over in callifornia, the canaries, and the french alps. prefer to travel my way round, tho. massive cinema, literature, and music fan. cannot flippin wait for glasto 2007!!

My Interests

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Loads and loads of things. Sam Cooke, Buddy Holly, Sinatra, Beatles, Moody Blues, Bjork, Mr Bob Marley, thin lizzy, Freddie Mercury, Hendrix, Dylan, Floyd, Jim Morrison.......... and more recently, Bloc Party, Arcade Fire, Goldie Lookin' Chain, Jaxx, Faithless, Groove Armada. & especially Go Team.


Cinema de Paridiso, Willy Wonker's Chocolate Factory, East is East, Vertigo, Fargo, The Sting, Easy Rider...


I get pissed off with myself when I watch it. I try not to. Auf Wiedersehen Pet is belting, though. Partridge and the Office are quality too.


To Kill a Mockingbird. I want to be just like Atticus Finch when I grow up (,or at the very least name a pet after him.) Catcher in the Rye's class. The God of Small things, The Alchemist, A Pale View of the Hills.


Atticus Finch, Willy Wonker (as played by Gene Wilder. hate to say it, but depp was shit. really shit.)