I have always felt at a very young age a desire to play music and perform for others. But after several failed and frustrating attempts to learn a variety of instruments, I decided to lay it aside and move on..THE PAST!
It wasnt until after I gave my life over to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I began to feel that old familiar pull again. The difference was that this time it was more distinct. I WAS not only going to play guitar and perform, but if I would only open my mouth, I would sing and write songs as well. Now at the time this all seemed to be too much. I have never sang or played anything in my life. And air guitar in my bedroom as a teenager just doesnt count. Besides. there was one major thing you seemed to over look, God. I was born with one hand, who in the world would ever take me seriously!! It wasnt until some time later he revealed to me It was never about you, its about glorifying me. And almost immediately things seemed to gel and make sense. Before I could even figure out how to play certain chords on the guitar I began writing my first song (I Need You) and others have followed ever since.
Along this journey called life we do not always make the right decisions, and I have not always taken the correct paths. But this one thing I do, forgetting those things behind I reach forward to those things that are ahead. Pressing towards the prize and the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus. So I want to encourage you No matter what your circumstance, no matter where you have been. It all pales in comparison to where God can take you, if your trust is in him. Dont give up!! And when the world around you says that you cannot, believe him when he says you can. Through me all things are possible. For we are more than conquers in Christ Jesus!
My hope is that my testimony and these songs will be an inspiration to anyone who may hear. And you will be as blessed listening to them, as I have been creating them.
God Bless,
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13
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