Sex,Lingerie, Shopping, Fashion, Jewelry, Partying, Clubs,anything fun...Concerts, Traveling, Shows, Getting dressed up,Make-Up, Old Cartoons, & Music
Anyone who loves feeling sexy and having a good time.We also love guys who like to buy lingerie for their girl.We also love Gods Girls and Superna!We are now launching Slave of Sensation E-zine so if you are a writer or just some one who wants to speak your mind you can check out SlaveofSensation and go to the news section sign up as an authour if we think your article rocks we will publish it and give you credit and a by line.
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Portishead, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Paul Oakenfold, Gwen Stefani, Pink, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pussy Cat Dolls, Tori Amos, Black Eyed Peas,
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff