TheAcceleratorâ„¢ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. Magickian, writer, artist, philosopher, thinker, musician, performer, sculptor, lover, fighter, beast, saint, animal, child...All of these things and a million others.Preview pages and ordering details are coming soon. And the following graphick is designed for piss-taking purposes only. It WILL be available as a tshirt design once I've got my Spreadshirt shop up and running. Watch this space. Or don't. See if I fucking care.

My Interests

Philosophy, literature, magick, greasy punk-electro-industrial music, memetics, cultural mechanics, comedy, the alchemy of spice blending, reading strange books, laughing my tits off, producing digital art, bending you to my will.

I'd like to meet:

Claudia Black, if anyone's offering. Oh, and you - if you can bring something to this reality of mine. I WILL ONLY ADD YOU IF: (1) I know you personally. (2) you're a band/artist/musician I actually like. (3) I've read your profile and I think we'd get along due to definite similarities in our interests and views. I'm not here to collect random friends - I hardly communicate with the ones I have already.Oh yeah - and I'd like an hour or two with Robert Mugabe so I can make him convinced he's got a thousand scorpions crawling under his skin every time he closes his eyes. And then I'd crack a beer and watch while he rapidly descends into terrified madness and tries to skin himself alive. Which, under the circumstances, is entirely fair if you ask me.


Music is more important than oxygen to me. I'm into my industrial-electro-punk and whatever else drives me at any given time (sometimes it's The Carpenters). If you really wanna know what's firing me up...The Presets, We Are The PHYSICS, MSI, Revl9n, MUSE, Japan, KMFDM, The Young Knives, Freezepop, IAMX, The White Rose Movement, Pink Motor Monsters, Marilyn Manson, New Skin, Gary Numan, QOTSA, Snake River Conspiracy, Porcupine Tree, the soundtrack to Gitaroo Man and the sound of yo' mamma fighting Godzilla.


Some films that probably tell you all you need to know...Happy Gilmore, Bladerunner, Sin City, The Aristocrats, Appleseed, Bubble Boy and the proper '80s Flash Gordon with Brian Blessed and theme tune by Queen... I really feel like I should be citing some more intellectually stimulating examples of cinema, but I think the best I've got to work with is Derek Jarman's 'Jubilee' and Deuce Bigelow: Male Gigolo - both scathing observations of social decline and female empowerment. Oh, and Baby's Day Out. That one scene where the guy's flaming scrotum gets stamped out always kills me.


Adult Swim, Trailer Park Boys, QI, Takeshi's Castle, The Mark Steel Lectures, I like hurling profanity at Bear '5 star' Grylls while he's trying to convince us all he's mere seconds from death, when in reality he's mere seconds away from a hot fucking shower and a pork pie. A good documentary is always nice - but NO fucking soaps. Soaps are pure liquid evil and they turn your brain into a big slushy bag of rancid piss. Seriously.


Ah. 'Grimble' by Clement Freud. It's about a small but very pleasant boy called Grimble who wakes up one morning to discover his parents have gone to Peru, leaving him sandwiches in the oven, a list of people to have dinner with on particular days, and a globe with two pins in it. One was stuck in the U.K. and said 'Grimble' and the other was stuck in Peru and said 'us'. As if it wasn't bad enough to be leaving your only child alone - they were taking the piss out of the poor kid as well. Illustrated by Quentin Blake, who is effortlessly brilliant. 'Othello' by William Shakespeare - and I will one day be renowned for my 'Iago'. Nabokov, Chomsky, Pratchett, Robert Anton Wilson, The Disinformation company, Garth Ennis and Grant Morrison, along with various philosophical works.


I don't have any heroes. A hero saves the world from certain doom. That's the qualification. If someone invents a machine that sucks CO2 out of the atmosphere, uses it to generate clean electricity and leaves no waste, they're a hero. If someone goes over Niagara Falls in a barrel - they're a fucking idiot.

My Blog


Been thinkin about TV Licensing& I've just set up the direct debits for my TV licence (like a good boy), and I got to thinking about the amount it now costs, compared to the amount of time I spend wat...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:48:00 PST

CULTME003: A short trip

Ah - reality's a funny old game, love& I was saying as much to Iago - the poisonous antagonist of Shakespeare's 'Othello' - just the other day. We talk fairly often despite the fact that he's a lit...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:06:00 PST

My First Day As A Celebrity

Dear MySpace people.   Earlier today, as I was sitting in my control room, I decided to become a celebrity. I am simply blogging to let you all know, as is proper in circumstances like these, t...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:04:00 PST


That's right. Facebook.So I've been reading Jonesy's blog of late - as I often do - and this new F word keeps appearing in print. Then, this morning, I follow the yellow brick link to Brooker's column...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 04:52:00 PST

Be afraid of being afraid.

A word if I may, good people - about fear.I've busted my chops on this here blog of late about the state of the world and the metaphysical tides that sweep us along. For those of you that don't know I...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 04:32:00 PST

A Quote From The Man.

Do not believe in anythingsimply because you have heard it.Do not believe in anythingsimply because it is spoken and rumored by many.Do not believe in anythingsimply because it is found written in you...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 01:21:00 PST


Old gods die while new gods riseWeak minds fall and strong ones thriveChoose to perish or surviveIts all in your mindThey all follow blindly onA cruel twist of evolutionScreaming for their revolutionA...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 04:00:00 PST

Imagination - will make a man of you.

I'm glad Gates set up the Bill and Melinda foundation. I don't think Gates is a bad bloke - there's a lot of world that needs fixing and he can afford it.One Billion D. is the most amount of money one...
Posted by TheAccelerator" on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 11:52:00 PST