From the ranks of Pomona College with BA in Media Studies/Film, I've returned to school to earn a teaching credential at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. I've been teaching/tutoring English and Math for about 7 years; it was about time. I believe 5 out of 4 students have trouble with fractions. I think I can fix that!
I'm a working man, and I'm noticing that there aren't enough days in the weekend. Among my many tasks, I am trying to co-direct and co-produce my own Latin music video television show "LAtino X" for the various local networks, I work on multimedia projects for this and other ventures, and I teach and tutor here and there locally; I keep quite busy. My brain starts working the moment I get up in the morning and doesn't stop until I get to work.
Whenever I run into walls, there's nothing me and my super human powers can't accomplish. Unless of course the walls are "super human"... er... "super wall-like." Something like that... I'm still currently working on other projects here and there, but I might ditch the freelance work and become a ridiculously wealthy Hollywood sell-out. Yah-right! I am stacking my chips as I should to pay off loans and to buy a house, so I should be living in my very own home in the county of L.A. soon enough.
I'm just living my life day by day, entertained at night by 12-year-old episodes of the Simpsons, Married with Children, and SNL. I just hope the power crisis doesn't effect my drive for evening television. One time the power went out in my house and I had to use the flash on my camera to see my way around. I made a sandwich and took fifty pictures of my face.
I use entirely way too much time in front of my computer working on tasks or surfing the web, but when I'm off the comp, I like to hang with my friends at the local Hip Hop venues or help them build community events of their own. I spend my free time clownin', spending a bit of money here and there. During my weekends, I work on web projects, script ideas, chill around town with friends, occasionally cruise to Vegas or Baja, or I stay in bed and sleep for a couple days.
Handle your business before your business handles you! ...but don't let your work, your studies, and your responsabilities keep you entirely from fun. Don't hesitate to drop me a line. Later.
Your buddy...
Check out my latest projects, and if you're in LA, check out my show out next year...
That One Guy...
Donald "The Don Q" Quintana.
CURRENT.TV projects to date...
Tax Three Ways - Air Date: March 31, 2008
The Virgin of East LA - Air Date: March 17, 2008
The Super Bowl Come-Up - Air Date: February 26, 2008
This Can Be Can Art - Aired Date: August 25, 2007