Creative Writing, film, teaching aerobics... hmm how to sound like fun without using words like 'socialising'?
Johnny Depp, Parky, Rebekah Wade, Ray Liotta, Josh Hartnett, Audrey Tatou, Tom Hanks, John Bird, Natalie Goldberg, Marion keyes, Zadie Smith
Guiltily like house verging on chav music and I steal musical tastes from my cooler friends.
Into film in general and can pretty much find something good to say about anything. I like thrillers, and anything featuring Ray Liotta. Favourite film is Amelie.
Guilty pleasures: soaps and Desperate Housewives.
Love books - hate lending them out in case the spines get damaged. Pride and Prejudice,The Great Gatsby, Brighton Rock, Lois Theroux, Call of the Weird and predictably Marian Keyes - but she is good!
Style Icons: Audrey Hepburn, Audrey Tatu Hero: John Bird (Founder of Big Issue) MyGen Profile Generator