'B0SS LADY profile picture


this is me *disappearing* get used to it.

About Me

I'm the Girl Your Bf Warned You About.
Join the Cockstar Army Today!

Urban Dictionary.com definition

1. A bad-ass who is a natural when it comes to rock star attitude and behavior.
2. A male that is good at whatever he does.
Party like a Rockstar
Spend like a Movie star
F*ck like a Porn star
I'm A !
i don`t break hearts, i fuck em up for life!

i find determination attractiveso if you`re a lazy ass with no direction, you don`t really belong in my life.

i`m a COCKSTAR baby! nuff said.

i`m not a party girl, i just love to party!

i have many "best friends" but LAN is my numero uno! w/o my days wouldn`t be as effing awesome as they are now!
AC baby!
can`t stop won`t stop

i`m B A J A freshhhh

i`m totally not diggin the whole "boyfriend" idea. i wanna stay single ... and on that note
not taken
not available
not now
not ever

sometimes, i actually enjoy doing my homework! well, usually only when its my anatomy

i believe i`m a princess .
i think that i deserve the very best. and i think we all should have the same mentality. it makes sense, if you think you deserve the best, that`s what you give to your significant other. i don`t want to settle for anything. i don`t want to do what YOU want me to do. fuck yo couch nigga!

i`m not materialistic .
i enjoy the finer things in life, but that doesn`t mean im going to base my life off of that. if you live that way, you never appreciate what you have. note to you: i looove forever 21, charlotte russe, Xi, agaci, you know, the cute stores, that don't cost a lot. if it`s cute , dammit i`ll wear it!

i`m not a whore , slut, skank , but i`ll be a bitch if you try to get with me for the night.

it`s true, i like to be the center of attention (camera whore), but i also like to be shy, and nervous around people. why? cuz im weiiird like that!

i`m not too big on "Calling People" buuuut i love to text♥

i`m destined to become a Dermatologist.
i`ve even planned out my future already.
babe, you better be ready , cuz i`m plannin` it according to you.

and if you ever try to talk shit bout me, or my sister, nigga imma throw it down! anywhere, anytime, i just gotta find a ride there ^_^

oh yeah, i don`t drive , i`m terrified, and i don`t really wanna learn , but i guess i have to =[

why the hell are you reading all this? hahaha, well if you do, then i love you for it

i want you to remember...
You Are My Heart
and i would hate to lose you
because you make my bowl of cheerios extra sunny!

My Interests

Can You Spot My Sis And I?


R.I.P. Tony Vanilla

Tony, i miss you so much! I still cant believe its true. Its not... you're just... sleeping... sleeping far away, and you wont answer your phone... I understand... I hope i get to see you again... Hurry and wake up...
Thanks for everything. You are my first friend here. My first look at perfection. My first happiness in a while...
I'll remember what few memories we share... Those are the ones i keep the closest to my heart.
You are my inspiration. I'll do my best to do good in school, work, life... All for you, anything to make you proud...
I realize that you're in a much better place. And im happy for you, yet i wish you were still here...
I wish you were still here. I wish it were all just a joke... I wish i could just tell you one last time... I love you

R.I.P. Tony Vanilla
12/15/85 - 11/11/05

Happy Bday Tony!!!

I'd like to meet:

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My 3 heroes:

My Momma
~ Raising my sister and i as a single momma... wow... i cant even imagine... while she went to college... and she still continues to amaze me with her strength.

My Sister~ Just like my momma, never gives up. especially when time get rough, she always manages to pull through somehow, and im glad, otherwise... we'd all live in a cardboard box... cant afford two!!! i love my sister so much for not letting me grow up into a total dork. well, we wont get into that haha!

My Kaffy~ For always being there when i really needed someone... When times got rough, she always was there to grab onto my hand and pull me right back up. Thanks, and im so glad we met!!! Love you kaffy!!!

My 3 heroes are always here for me = ] They are my 3 best friends... And thats all i will ever need

My Blog

My Daily Troubles....

A friend of mine wrote this... and here i thought noone knew what i go through daily... Not Anymore Her touch lingered on his body for what seemed like years, at anytime he could close his eyes and th...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 03:06:00 PST

R.I.P. Tony Vanilla

R.I.P. Tony Vanilla I Love You I Always did I Always will You are the most precious thing in my life You brought me joy when i was depressed You brought me hope when i out You mad...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 01:56:00 PST

gOsH! ii WiiSh!

what boys should do for girls... ooh ooh! and in return.... i'll melt in your arms, and do as you please... anything you want, no matter the ridiculousness... i will... just do these few things, ...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Sun, 02 Oct 2005 10:57:00 PST

aLL ii WaNt...

aLL ii WaNt iiS tO bE hElD... bUt NoT tOo LoNg... aLL ii WaNt iiS tO sAy ThOsE 3 FoRbiiDdEn WoRdS, mEaN iit, AnD hEaR iiT bAcK aNd KnOw ThEy MeAn iiT... aLL ii WaNt iiS tO bE hApPy WiiTh ThAt SpEcii...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 09:54:00 PST

aBoUt Me?

WeLl, ii GuEsS tO kNoW mE, yUu WoUlD tO sEe WhErE iiM cOmiiNg FrOm... iiM tHe BaBy iiN mAii FaMiiLy... its hard now, being 16, im supposed to be all adult, but i cant. im not used to it. ive always b...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Sat, 24 Sep 2005 12:09:00 PST

You tell me

If i screamed, would you hear me? If you heard me, would you help me? If you helped me, would you let me repay you? If i repaid you with my heart, would you take it? If you took my heart, would you ke...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:32:00 PST


Maybe... maybe you dont know... maybe you dont see... maybe you dont hear... maybe i didnt show you... maybe you misread me... maybe you didnt want to see... maybe i cant think about anything but y...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 01:59:00 PST

SaD sToRy

ONE OF THE SADDEST STORY EVERJane is a typical college girl who enjoys life to the fullest. She loves her boyfriend so much and texts him every now and then. Mark is Jane's boyfriend who works in a ca...
Posted by Hug Me<3 Crafty..... [[N.A.T.U.R.A.L.]] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST