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Urban definition
1. A bad-ass who is a natural when it comes to rock star attitude and behavior.
2. A male that is good at whatever he does.
Party like a Rockstar
Spend like a Movie star
F*ck like a Porn star
I'm A
i don`t break hearts, i fuck em up for life!
i find determination attractiveso if you`re a lazy ass with no direction, you don`t really belong in my life.
i`m a COCKSTAR baby! nuff said.
i`m not a party girl, i just love to party!
i have many "best friends" but LAN is my numero uno! w/o my days wouldn`t be as effing awesome as they are now!
AC baby!
can`t stop won`t stop
i`m B A J A freshhhh
i`m totally not diggin the whole "boyfriend" idea. i wanna stay single ... and on that note
not taken
not available
not now
not ever
sometimes, i actually enjoy doing my homework! well, usually only when its my anatomy
i believe i`m a princess .
i think that i deserve the very best. and i think we all should have the same mentality. it makes sense, if you think you deserve the best, that`s what you give to your significant other. i don`t want to settle for anything. i don`t want to do what YOU want me to do. fuck yo couch nigga!
i`m not materialistic .
i enjoy the finer things in life, but that doesn`t mean im going to base my life off of that. if you live that way, you never appreciate what you have. note to you: i looove forever 21, charlotte russe, Xi, agaci, you know, the cute stores, that don't cost a lot. if it`s cute , dammit i`ll wear it!
i`m not a whore , slut, skank , but i`ll be a bitch if you try to get with me for the night.
it`s true, i like to be the center of attention (camera whore), but i also like to be shy, and nervous around people. why? cuz im weiiird like that!
i`m not too big on "Calling People" buuuut i love to text♥
i`m destined to become a Dermatologist.
i`ve even planned out my future already.
babe, you better be ready , cuz i`m plannin` it according to you.
and if you ever try to talk shit bout me, or my sister, nigga imma throw it down! anywhere, anytime, i just gotta find a ride there ^_^
oh yeah, i don`t drive , i`m terrified, and i don`t really wanna learn , but i guess i have to =[
why the hell are you reading all this? hahaha, well if you do, then i love you for it♥
i want you to remember...
You Are My Heart
and i would hate to lose you
because you make my bowl of cheerios extra sunny!