Drinking, Fighting and Fucking...... est.1978 Aside from that I am an artist(in many degrees)
The Messiah
I listen to everything from Merle Haggard to Mike Jones, ya dig?
Thursday--Boondock Saints----S.F.W.----Clockwork Orange--Tombstone---Memento---The Big Lebowski---The Trip---Easy Rider--Waking Life--Half-Baked----A Street Car Named Desire--what the bleep do we know?---Raging Bull----Taxi Driver---True Romance--Resevoir Dogs---Star Wars 123456------The Passion of the Christ----The Last Temptation of Christ---Old School---Walk The Line---V for Vendetta--Da Vinci Code---THX 1138---Cool Hand Luke
Television programming is designed to program you!
Atlas Shrugged -- 1984 -- The Dead Emcee Scrolls -- Said The Shotgun To The Head -- The Bible -- Necronomicon -- The Holy Qu'ran --Ask Ed -- The Fountainhead--- Ha Gakure --- Rashomon---S/he-- The Varieties of Religious Experiences---Fight Club---Catcher in the Rye---Talisman---Fingerprints of the Gods---The Art of War
Sakuraba Kazushi (Where theres a Will)