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If i had to describe and give a sense of my intent and where abouts within regards to my writing and music i would have to say Self Advocate is a creativore at heart. Questing this plain in search of a more sustainable domain to suite my expression. Whether its through instrumentation or lyrication, both embody the spirit of this conduit and the limitless hieghts of his imagination. I try my best at equating this here life on a whole both tangible and intangible, soul to mind to body to mandible and back again. I strive and struggle to further piece this puzzle intact. Hear my ode to odd insurrmountable goes a little something like this:
"I want to reach the unthinkable, link the impossible, sink the unstoppable, jump start the in-operable"
Despite what the forcast exclaims i take the good with the bitter, the harsh with the harsher & seek to make something positive out of the everchanging tempests fits whether above or down below here’s to a paralleling free flow, for in its ebb we can transcend space and time and boldy extend to no end our bond and its forthcommings. Limitless....possibilities infinite......and thats for sho’ true, thanks for passing through ~ Self
Here’s a taste of a few of the video’s i’ve been able to be a part of creating along the way so far....enjoy
~ Punch & Judy - Sound and Music Re~Ochestrated by your’s truely....Enjoy
Here’s some info on this piece:
a piece i scored for a project at school in my midi 2 class where we had to rework a score to a movie. i chose this piece by jan svanjeknmyer that i had seen earlier last year. let me know what you think....comments are always appreciated good or bad
Black monday ~ Venture Capitalists
collage piece i did for welsed’s Unveiled art show at the sole collective in sacramento
A Tribute to DEC ONE ~
shot & edited by insicorproductions
feel free to copy the embed code from this link: {}
Carpe Diem ~
shot & edited by incisorproductions
Underbellies & Overtones - Self Ad
Mike Wakerly ~
my friend playing one of his of his beautiful flutes
mark osborne’s short entitled "more"
(i had no hand in this video just really enjoy it and wanted to support it)