DC-FIY is a non-profit organization (complete with 501c3 status) that is bent on raising money to open an all ages art and performance space in Worcester. Most of our fundraising is done through putting on concerts at various venues throughout Central Massachusetts. However, most of our work is done through volunteers. Thinking about helping out DC-FIY? Check us out at www.dcfiy.org then drop us a line!
***UPDATE - Hey everybody, a lot has changed in the past 6 months or so. Jason & Anne stepped down. Keith did not continue as a board member. Skot took over as President. Skot stepped down. Dan took over as President. Paul & Sammie took over as Vice President and Treasurer, respectively. DC-FIY is still together, we are just in a "hibernating & under-construction" phase at this point. We are expecting to start putting together shows again for the spring time. If you'd like to be involved in performing at a show or volunteering for a show, we are always accepting applications.***