Lauren profile picture



About Me

I am blessed with a loving family and amazing friends. I am a big dreamer and want to see change in this generation. I long to see people step outside of themselves in order to spare the life of someone else - to be the hands and feet of christ. I believe we are here for far greater reasons than to live for ourselves...but I fail miserably at this on a daily basis. We have all been designed with different talents, hobbies, and unique creativity in order for us to share it with others and serve the world....isn't that a beautiful thing? All I can say is that I am a huge work in progress - life has taught me so much, yet I still have tons to learn. Oh and I own a skate board but am scared to death of it.********************************************************* ********************“We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” (Howard Zinn)

My Interests

kiddos, traveling, languages, standing next to the ocean, mountains, the infinite mysteries of Christ, meeting people and hearing their stories, graphic design, photography, painting, running, sports - playing them, watching them.... good food with good friends


arcade fire, Jmayer, Jmraz, dave matthews, jay z, Liz laporte,johnny cash, tristan prettyman, sufjan, bird and the bee, regina spektor...whatever makes my feet move


Amelie, Love me if you dare, Into the Wild, Freedom Writers, Meet Joe Black, Oceans 11, Garden State, Hook, Back to the Future (I blew it, now you know I'm a dork. I was doing so well.), Invisible Children.....everyone should see Trade.


Lost, Office


too many to list...but I just finished Sexgod and it is pretty dang good.


My brother, Justin

My Blog

Love is not static...

Something happens when traveling outside of comfort and security. Back home I was wrapped in a safety blanket - threaded by an amazing church, constant friends, and a loving family. That was stripped ...
Posted by Lauren on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:31:00 PST