kaitlyn rose profile picture

kaitlyn rose

underestimated. undefeated.

About Me

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
where there is injury, pardon
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy

O Divide Master,
grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console
to be understood as to understand
to be loved as to love

For it is in giving that we receive
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
and it is in dying
that we are born
to eternal life

I am growing!

In the times I feel as if I don't even know who I am, I look to the One who knows me best; it's my prayer that by getting to know me, you'll be getting to know Him.

My Interests

Smiling, Learning, Growing, Loving, Helping, Writing, Sharing, Telling, Listening, Photo-snapping.

I'd like to meet:

Everybody in this beautiful little town:


Anything but country.


Oh, so many!
Let's watch one together sometime.

21 Grams, 28 Days Later, A Beautiful Mind, Amelie, American Beauty, Basketball Diaries, Boondock Saints, Brick, Crash, Donnie Darko, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Elephant, Green Street Hooligans, Little Miss Sunshine, Party Monster, Requiem for a Dream, Romeo & Juliet (Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 version), Spun, Traffic, The Best of: Will Ferrell (vol. 1&2), The Science of Sleep

the list goes on...




I'm currently reading:

david sheff

