*DEMO 2006-Not a great CD. The lineup when this was recorded was very tentative and didn't take things seriously. Includes 4 tracks. Recorded in Jill's barn using a 16 track recorder. Released in July 2006.
*DEMO 2007-12-song CD with a serious lineup. Released by DIYcrust Records. Recorded in Brian's attic and Tino's basement using an 8 track recorder. Released in February 2007.
Both of these releases are available at
*TRIBUTE TO DOOM COMPILATION-CD/LP of Doom covers. Includes Disclose, Alehammer, Dissystema, Suburban Showdown, and a ton more. Being pressed by Helvetet Records. Was supposed to be out last year, who knows when this will be out!
*FULL-LENGTH CD-Just a plan for the near future. Will be recorded and released sometime in summer 2007.
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