Art, Music, People, Travel, Happiness, Sorrows.
GHSK-people (goodheartsoulandkarma)
At The Drive-In, Motorpsycho, Built To Spill, Dungen, DFA1979, The Vipers, Jose Gonzales, Nick Drake, B.R.M.C., Mogwai, ...Trail of Dead, Explotions In The Sky, Sigur Ros, Hope Sandoval, T.S.O.O.L +++
Inarritus, Lynch, Von Trier, Bergmann, Jarmusch, Tarantino, Scott, Aronofsky, Herzog, Jonze, Burton, Svankmayer, Anderson, Gondry, Coppola, De Palma, Scorsese.
shrinks your brain
do not
Bill Hicks, El Che, Salvador Allende, Chuck Taylor, Homer Simpson, Zapatistas, People in opposition against the current world order, my friends.