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be the change you want to see in the world- Gandhi

About Me

"Were you looking to be held together by lawyers?
Or by an agreement on a paper? Or by arms?
Nay, nor the world, nor any living thing, will so cohere.
Only those who love each other shall become indivisible." -Walt WitmanIt is easy to get overwhelmed by what is going on in the world. You turn on the TV and sometimes it's just too much. The thing I want more than anything else in this world is peace on earth. Some laugh and some have said hurtful things to me. Perhaps I am naive, perhaps even delusional. But what I see in my heart is so beautiful that I can't stop thinking about it. And so I can't stop hoping for it. Perhaps all I want is that I live Peace with every step and every breath that I take. And maybe one day I can translate that Peace to you.I am an artist, a photographer, a filmmaker, an activist, a dreamer, a compassionate listener. I am also a graduate student getting a masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution. I am on a quest to create a more peaceful world. What does it take?Do we need a Martin Luther King Jr. or a Gandhi? Is non-violence the way? Does meditation help? Why do people support war? What are the psychological reasons for people's acceptance of violence? Join me on my journey as I search for peace within and without.Please check out my blog and my photosI am currently living in Berlin working for Dropping Knowledge.Watch this video see what they are about:

My Interests

art, film, video, documentaries, animation, design, spirituality, meditation, yoga, design, community and social activism.,,,,,

I'd like to meet:

Artist, poets, writers, musicians, politicians, activists, academics. People who live each day fully going after their dreams!


To see my art/films go to my blog


Amelie, LOTR, Like Water For Chocoloate, Adaptation, 2001, American Beauty, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Finding Neverland, Born into Brothels, Rize, Proof, Why We Fight, Blood Diamond, Crash, Field of Dreams



Currently reading Sister Chan Khong's book, "Learning True Love", Deepak Chopra's "Peace is the Way",War is the Froce that Gives Us Meaning by Chris Hedges, Conversations with God books, Healing the Soul of America by Marianne Williamson, Compassion in Action by Ram Das, Power of the People, History of Nonviolence, Most anything on how to achieve Peace.


Thich Nhat Hanh, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., The Dalai Lama, Marianne Williamson, Dennis Kucinich, Aung San Suu Kyi, Peace Pilgrim

My Blog

Repost: LA City Council Adopts Resolution To End Iraq War

LA City Council Adopts Resolution To End Iraq War ( Calls For Withdrawal Of All U.S. Troops From IraqLOS ANGELES -- The Los Angeles City Council adopted a resolution Tuesday callin...
Posted by luvmegumi on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:25:00 PST

Free Burma! sign this petition

--> Free Burma! Image --> --> End Free Burma! Image --> --> Free Burma! Widget -->Free Burma! Petition WidgetName: (required)Email: Web: Country: --> End Free Burma! Widget -->...
Posted by luvmegumi on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:43:00 PST

Megumis Peace update

Hey everyone,Just a quick note on the update of my plans:I'm wrapping up my work at Dropping Knowledge and my time in Berlin.For the past week I've been sad to leave but I'm ready to get started back ...
Posted by luvmegumi on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 04:03:00 PST

My article up on Dropping Knowledge page!
Posted by luvmegumi on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:06:00 PST

60 Seconds of light

Hi, I'm planning to participate. Are you?-M60 SECONDS OF LIGHT is an attempt to create an internet-wide September 11th video memorial. The concept is simple: on September 11th 2007 we are asking all v...
Posted by luvmegumi on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:52:00 PST

Im headed to Cambodia!!

Hi my lovely friends,I hope you are doing well around the world. I am living and loving life fully!! This Wednesday, I am headed to Thailand/Cambodia to shoot a film for the Rotary Peace and Conflict ...
Posted by luvmegumi on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:32:00 PST

LA Times Article on Iraqi Soldier Shinwoo Kim

From Los Angeles Times, Sunday, July 22nd, 2007:Sgt. Shinwoo Kim, 23, FullertonBy H.G. RezaArmy Sgt. Shinwoo Kim came home in February on a two-week leave from Iraq. The Fullerton resident crammed a ...
Posted by luvmegumi on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:29:00 PST

Petition for UN Millenium Development Goals + Anti-Child Slavery

Hi my friend Paty is currently working for an org called the Global March Against Child Labour in India. They currently have a petition campaign to hold the UN accountable for it's Millennium Developm...
Posted by luvmegumi on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 02:07:00 PST

New documentary I came across:

Hey, so I just came across this film and watched the trailer. Though I'm quite an emotional/passionate person, I usually don't get that affected by trailers. Anyways, I saw this one, and I have to say...
Posted by luvmegumi on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 11:47:00 PST

Peace TV launches

Hey my friend Yaron, who you can find in my friend's list recently launched Peace TV.I'll be posting my some of my videos on there, tho I have to admit I'm still weary of posting my "art" on the inter...
Posted by luvmegumi on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:28:00 PST