Not many, but i do like going to the pub, and i like to read, lots, I mean one day when i get my mansion (haha as if) I want a room for my own peronal library (BIG GEEK).
Angelina Jolie, Brandon Boyd, Johnny Depp.
Random stuff
adopt your own virtual pet!
anything with johnny depp, audrey hepburn, angelina jolie, also stuff like LOTR, Narnia, things that need a good imagination.
I am quite sad i used to love Buffy and Angel, and what makes me really really sad is that there is an american tv programme called the Gilmore Girls that i love. I also like things like Green Wing and 24 and Lost so I am not as Lame as you all think. :D
anything by, Dan Brown, Anne Rice, Kelly Armstrong, David Eddings, James Herbert ect
Audrey Hepburn and my sister much love to you both, also Kerrie and Nat for being good good friends and Adrian who keeps me partially sane.