my online player from I do Rap since I started having the ability to form real own opinions. 1995 was the year when Rap stepped into my life.Fight for Freedom. Meditation for Peace.First Crew: Perfect Victim (H-Town represent- we know where we´re comin´from yo)Made music all the time. Wrote Raps and Songs, learned and still learn to play guitar. Recorded first LP in 2001- but that one didn´t come out- so that doesn´t really count ;)2002 me and Kameleon, Ema (both engineers) and Pyro One formed the crew Monkey Mob2004 Solo LP- Ambigu MC- "Affenbrot"2005 LP- Monkey Mob- "Platten_Viertel_Takt"Right now we´re finishing our next LP- which will blow your ears off! ;)Conscious Music for life!