syd profile picture


Siberia, 1908/part time shark tamer

About Me

I've been known to do things. Some of these things are fancy, some not. I argue with people on a podcast. It's called 'The Argument'. We argue with friends. I feel clever in doing so and that makes me happy.I also play musics. Most of the music I play is esoteric. I like using the word esoteric. I also like the word 'disingenious', although I don't like people who fit that description. Both words make me feel like I have a big vocabulary. I'm not sure why that matters, but it consoles me, so I'll take it.Other things that I do include, but are not limited to: running on things, reading things, spending time with friends, lifting things over my head, and wishing I had a bicycle.

My Interests

Watching the Reds lose; working on this Lee Van Cleef record; coffee; running; nerd shit

I'd like to meet:

Done and done. WE MET AT THE DQ!!!!!!!!!!


GZA; Ol Dirty Bastard; Bastro; Shellac; Dizzee Rascal; Radiolab (podcast)


Broken Flowers; The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; For A Few Dollars More; Donnie Darko


Lost; Heroes; Battlestar Galactica; Star Trek things


things that Neil Gaiman or John Steinbeck write; things that come in trade paperback form; jonathan carroll; philip k dick


Benjamin Barton, the toughest 10 year old I could imagine; the people who made Katamari Domacy; Robert Kirkman; Scatman Corrothers

My Blog

The Attack (a strange and vibrant dream)

Dream:In the wake of the attack by the monster subject 'Cloverfield', I ran to the country, a former inhabitant of New York, to seek sanctuary.  In the country, I met John Locke.  All starte...
Posted by syd on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 06:01:00 PST

Things Breaking

I think the events from 'Maximum Overdrive' have occurred, but on a personal level.  In the past month, I've discovered that three of four amps need maintenancing if not replacing, the handle fel...
Posted by syd on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:10:00 PST

Peace and Comfort

It's around 3:15pm on a Sunday and I'm surprisingly content.  I'd say exceptionally so.  I had a good lunch (J Gumbo's... I'm trying to develop a taste for spicier food), I'm clean, and the ...
Posted by syd on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 12:20:00 PST

The Mechanism and It’s Use

I work customer service and deal with people on a face to face basis regularly.  About a month ago, I talked to someone who could not speak properly.  They were upset.  I passed paper t...
Posted by syd on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:50:00 PST

Pretty Exciting Stuff

Jonah has a friend named Eugene.  He worked with him.  Eugene moved to Chicago.  Some people do that. Eugene met a girl.  This happens from time to time as well.  She works fo...
Posted by syd on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 10:17:00 PST

Space Ferrari (replete with dames)

Dear David Lee Roth, It's your friend Syd again.  I've had kind of a bogus adventure and I'm a little down in the dumps.  I realized I was bummed out when I heard both 'Just Got Paid' and 'J...
Posted by syd on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 09:06:00 PST

Kevin Costner Drank His Pee In Waterworld

I had an opportunity today to receive a few free things from a local comic book shop.  I started looking around and figured out that most of what they had was bogus.  Oh well. One of the fir...
Posted by syd on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 11:00:00 PST

Innovations and Questionable Intent

I would like to thank whoever decided that Oatmeal should include both Maple and Brown Sugar.  This was a fantastic idea and I give you an A+. And to the person who thought to add ground up horse...
Posted by syd on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 06:46:00 PST

I'd Like To Be A Rowdy Friend

I have this irrational fantasy that I would get along really well with Hank Williams Jr.  I have no idea why, but it sounds like so much fun (drinking, rowdiness, maybe even football).  May...
Posted by syd on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 01:36:00 PST

Modern Vocabulary V. 1

C.h.u.d. [chuhd] -noun 1.  Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller 2.  An idiot. Lawn C.h.u.d. [lon chuhd] -noun 1.  Someone so stupid, that other Chuds think they're stupid.  ...
Posted by syd on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:11:00 PST