Oil Painting, Crafts, anything artistic, The Civil War, History in General, Covered Bridges, The Amish and Mennonite cultures
Other Artists, or just fun people to strike up a friendship with. People who share my same interests... Noel, P.Buckley Moss Who I did meet in person in Kalona Iowa. She paints Amish and Mennonite pictures. They are wonderful.
Country music is my favorite, But I like a lot of other types too! Some Gospel, easy listening etc.
Nick Martin Music.
scary ones.... The scarier the better. But every once in awhile I am suckered into a chick flick.
Ghost Hunters is my favorite, GSN Network, Deal or no deal, Nashville Star, Will and Grace, Reba, re runs of the Nanny - Fran Drescher is a riot!
I haven't read a book in years.
have to give that some thought