Gray, A Highwayman profile picture

Gray, A Highwayman

Watch the Police & the Taxman Miss Me!...I'm Mobile!...BEEP! BEEP!

About Me

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ME: An irreverent & politically incorrect, spontaneous, positive, funny Harley rider. A Dirty Old Man with a heart of gold!

My Interests

women, harleys, motorcycles, thrills, road trips, kayaking, thunderstorms, lightning, stars, music, dancing, leather, travel, sci-fi, exploring, skiing, hiking, swimming, hottubs, intimacy, touch, candles, sex, massage, beachcombing, waterfalls, mountains, the ocean, dogs, ethnic dining, radio, rock and roll, singing, all things Celtic, SCA, legends & lore, swords, the paranormal, ghosts, haunted houses, history, computers, internet, coffee, freedom, libertarians, used book stores. Hot bikes, hot chicks, and road trips.

I'd like to meet:

YOU: A happy, low maintenance free-bird with light baggage, sparkling eyes, pirate smile, no drama, no prudes. Let's find a dive roadhouse, dance til we sweat, drink til dawn, and then cool off by skinny-dipping in a secluded lake.


Hard rock, vocal trance, industrial, country rock, blues, jazz, world music. Life's to short to listen to bad music! Crazy Bitch Mp3 Music Codes by


African Queen, Maltese Falcon, Dr. Strangelove, Blues Brothers, French Connection, Braveheart, Patriot, Blade Runner, The Crow, Z, Easy Rider, The Wild One, Billy Jack, 9 1/2 Weeks, most film noir, sci-fi, and action flicks.


Anything by William Gibson, Harlan Ellison, Neil Stephenson, Stephen Donaldson, Darkover seriers and Mists of Avalon.

My Blog

Rocky Horror Picture Show - Happy Anniversary!

The Rocky Horror Picture Show premiered this night in 1975. "Let's do the the Time Warp again!"  
Posted by Gray, A Highwayman on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:50:00 PST


Only got 3hrs. sleep, even tho I didn't go to work last night (they owed me). Cough seems better, but I didn't try out a Greyhound yet with the new meds. As one of the Mole People, will try to get mor...
Posted by Gray, A Highwayman on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 08:44:00 PST

Just back from the Dr.

Doc says I gotta work less and play more. And I need to get more sleep. As if I didn't know. On the plus side: BP is good, physically okay as long as I lose some off my love handles; gave me new me...
Posted by Gray, A Highwayman on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:46:00 PST

Today I Start: Eating Stained Glass..

I am awake. What else do u want?
Posted by Gray, A Highwayman on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:29:00 PST