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Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Kris Roe from the Ataris because the guy is such a God....oh wait, I've done that now haven't I?! Result


Don't really wanna go into one of those huge lists of all the bands I've ever heard or listened to because its a waste of my time and yours. Basically, favourite band are the Ataris. New Found Glory, Blink 182 and countless other pop punks bands (you can fill in the gaps), also like Matchbook Romance, Taking Back Sunday, Brand New etc (same again). There, wasnt that less painful than reading a massive list.......sure it was.


You've gotta say all the teen movies dont you, American Pie 1 and 2 (not 3 for obvious reasons), Road Trip, Eurotrip etc etc. Then you've got the bloody good films like Shawshank Redemption and Good Will Hunting which are awesome. One of the funniest films of all time has got to be Team America, closely followed by South Park the movie. Old School is up there too in the comedy stakes because Will Farrell is a king, and because, not so much for comedy now, it has Elisha Cuthbert in!! The three Lord of the Rings film are quality too as are films like Top Gun, Braveheart and Gladiator.


Well, I do have an unhealthy obsession with the OC but that is only because it is brilliant and has Mischa Barton in, who if you haven't noticed is absolutely stunning. Comedy is my main area of interest though and shows like Little Britain, the Office, League of Gentlemen, Bottom, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers and Fast Show are among my favourites. Cartoons like South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama are also super cool.