About Me

Low-maintenance neuroses.Midwest to the bone.

My Interests

everybody to the limit

I'd like to meet:

cutty straight, coffee black, and cringe but don't chase.

"She looked at me as if she were going to say I love you, and asked 'Is that a threat?'"


Jay-Z, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Cass McCombs, Dismemberment Plan, Dirty Projectors, Wilco, Why?, Bowerbirds, Field Music, Spoon




Mehhhh at television.


let's talk.


"I'm Push the bully, and what I hate are new kids and sissies, dumb kids and smart, rich kids, poor kids, kids who wear glasses, talk funny, show off, patrol boys and wise guys and kids who pass pencils and water the plants--and cripples, ESPECIALLY cripples. I love nobody loved.

One time I was pushing this red-haired kid (I'm a pusher, no hitter, no belter; an aggressor of marginal violence, I hate REAL force) and his mother stuck her head out the window and shouted something I've never forgotten. 'PUSH,' she yelled. 'YOU, PUSH. You pick on him because you wish you had his red hair!' It's true; I DID wish I had his red hair. I wish I were tall, or fat, or thin. I wish I had different eyes, different hands, a mother in the supermarket. I wish I were a man, a small boy, a girl in the choir. I'm a coveter, a Boston Blackie of the heart, casing the world. Endlessly I covet and case."

My Blog

top 20 songs

20. "My Oldest Memory" - Bowerbirds - Hymns for a Dark Horsethis gets such a low ranking mostly because i'm hesitant as to whether or not it will make it into the "classic" song category in my mind, o...
Posted by DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 06:03:00 PST

lance bass: why didnt i see it coming, take 20398409375

"girlfriend" by nsync feat. nelly video.   disclaimer: i've always secretly loved this song. around 2002, i started "rebelling" against radio rock as i entered my very brief and very ...
Posted by DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 08:54:00 PST

overglorification of the baby boomers’ failed revolution.

ugh."across the universe" was exactly the baby-boomer circle jerk i thought it was going to be. the insertion of beatles songs was contrived. lucy, jude, and prudence? REALLY? oh, and i wanted to barf...
Posted by DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 01:25:00 PST

the problem with new york

well, there are actually several problems with new york. several hundred. but it is a big city, so there are bound to be more areas of complaint. also i am a nitpicker. my main complaint as of late is...
Posted by DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:02:00 PST

blustery is not a mood but a weather condition

the only instance of your poor judgment would be to mistrust it. mistrust the superior wisdom of your body. beautiful and pure, obscure but sure. manhattan will take you, but let it be in a while....
Posted by DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:38:00 PST


A PUSSY ANYMORE! (this is not referring to my gender [or as the prophet jay-z would say, "this is not a ho in the sense of havin' a pussy, but a pussy havin' no goddamn sense, try 'n push me"], becaus...
Posted by DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 08:10:00 PST

obsession (and I think it’s gonna be a long, long time)

I'm telling you this because in the moment you don't know where to draw the line. Just when it becomes the most crucial time not to cross that boundary, you can't find it. You know you drew it in the ...
Posted by DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 09:33:00 PST