numbers hate letters profile picture

numbers hate letters

Now with More Girl!

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Widely known as "Canada's answer to Our Lady Peace," Numbers hate Letters is an edgy foursome from a land with few sharp edges. They won't drive you over the edge personally, but if you should wan't to go over the edge, they'll find you one and show you where it is, after that it's up to you. If Numbers hate Letters are about anything, it's individual autonomy and personal freedom (and redundancy and repeating themselves). Comprised of two brothers and two guys who know people who are brothers, Numbers hate Letters hits with an aggressive sound that wouldn't be out of place in either a lumberyard or a maternity ward. They write short blasts of fury which will make you wan't to punch a nun (again). They're sort of like the Blood Brothers, but good.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/2/2006
Band Members: Mike Forsythe Evan McIntyre Neil McIntyre (no relation) Darcy McIntyre (related to Neil, but not Evan)
Influences: The Collected Works of Arthur Miller
Sounds Like: NumbersHateLetters

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Record Label: Young Soul Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Now that our drummers back we sound less like buskers

Listen up Numbers hate Letters faithful, That's right, I'm talking to all three of you. There's crazy shit afoot in the world of your favorite obscure hard rock band. First off, our drummer ha...
Posted by numbers hate letters on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 10:28:00 PST

The Godamn CD

Ok, so we are the least organized band in the history of modern music. After recording a Cd last October, we've stumbled along and procrastinated to the point where it's going to take us a full year...
Posted by numbers hate letters on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:10:00 PST

The Rumours Are True

As some of you have heard, Numbers hate Letters has lost a member. Sadly, Leon has left the band to go harvest reefer in the Rocky Mountains. While we were reluctant at first to let him go, we under...
Posted by numbers hate letters on Sun, 06 May 2007 09:48:00 PST