CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] profile picture


Silesia Hardcore Punk Attack Forever!!!

About Me

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We are 5 piece hardcore punk band from Silesia area in Poland. We play fast short songs in the vein of early 80s style. Our lyrics are about fun, hardcore, punk, scene, hate, girls and drinking. Not so serious just for fun. We started 2003 and our team is:
-WARENS (26) who plays drums; also in band MINORITY (NYC HC style, released 1CD) and sings in REPRESS (old school HC)
-BOLEK (30) on bass, many years ago in punk crew HOMOFOBIA, now also in MINORITY
-FAKIR (38) vocal; ex-7 GODZIN SNU who released demo & split CD with SKTC; also known as king of ENIGMATIC Records Empire
-ZMIERZLY (33) guitar; ex-7 GODZIN SNU
-CZAKA (28) guitar; man-machine; ex- BRAINDEAD, 7 GODZIN SNU, WPZ and now also in KOYAANISQATSI (modern HC/Punk outfit influenced by Neurosis, Tragedy and... Exploited) who did great demo 2 years ago.
We played gigs with bands like- Poison Idea, Another Breath, The Accused, Dayglo Abortions, Golers, Mental, Justice, Verse, Schizma, Come Closer, Endstand, Bilety Do Kontroli, Whitman, Face The Fact, John Ball, Thema 11, Wlochaty, Zbeer, Lights Out, On Point, Last Item, Please Die, Righteous Jams, Hard Work, HNDM, True Colors, Profanacja, Nyshynga, Regres, Last Believer, Tripis, Defekt Muzgo, Faust Again, Black Fag, Vendetta, B.U.S.H., Preshrunk, Moskwa and many more. We also did small tour in Germany & Holland in 2006. Our debut CD "Kings Of Punk" is still available, released by Polish label PASAZER Records ( 12 songs in 15 minutes. Listen and enjoy! Feel free to contact us! We are looking for label who can do vinyl version of our CD and labels who do comps etc.
Last winter we recorded new songs for our 2nd CD "Punk Side Of The Moon" which is out now and is also released on blue vinyl LP with great gatefold cover (with "Kings Of Punk" songs as bonus).
We want to play everywhere so if you can help us to book some show(s) lets write. mail us at [email protected]
We have 2 songs on new international HC/Punk compilation "Global Uprising" CD on War Dog Records from Detroit, USA. 34 bands in total, from USA & UK to Hawaii & South Africa i.e. Riptides, Mistermeaner, Heartburns, Devasted, Antidote, Vindictives, F.U.G., Infected, The Boils, Burning Fiction, Dead Heros, Ambush UK, Anti You, Complete Control, Internal Chaos, Vixen!sh and more. One of our new songs you can find on "No Place To Call Home" comp CD on Bad Dream Records.T-SHIRTS!!! New design From our "Punk Side Of The Moon" record, full color printing on black/navy shirts S,M,L,Xl,XXL is now available; we have also small amount of girlie version black shirts S,M,L. Contact us for postage prices and info.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/2/2006
Band Members: BOLO (bass), ZMIERZLY (guitar), CZAKA (guitar), WARENS (drums), FAKIR (vocal)
Influences: JFA, SOIA, Warzone, YOT, BGK, WHN?, Infest, GG Allin, The Accused, Minor Threat, Go!, Terveet Kadet, Poison Idea, DRI, Code Of Honor, Negative Approach, COC, Articles Of Faith, Negazione, Heresy, Adolescents, Discharge, NOTA, Lifes Halt, Dead Kennedys, Integrity, Circle Jerks, Siekiera, Dezerter, The Corpse, The Ex, Vandals, Yuppicide, SFA, Ramones, Sheer Terror, Asta Kask, No Redeeming Social Value, Agnostic Front, Upright Citizens, FVK, Municipal Waste, Temperence, Banda i Wanda and 1000s more
Sounds Like: the best soundtrack for fingerboarding, skateboarding, mosh, love, drinking and playing chess
Record Label: We are looking for labels to do vinyl & comps!!!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

KOSZULKI / T-SHIRTS Punk Side Of The Moon

Zrobili[my sporo koszulek z wzorem z nowej pByty i trzeba by je sprzeda....Zdjcie nie jest rzeczywiste (nie pro[cie o takowe, nie mamy aparatu...) - taki schemat tylko, by byBo wiadomo o c...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:39:00 PST

CASTET Discography vinyl LP pre-order limited edition!

CASTET "PUNK SIDE OF THE MOON / KINGS OF PUNK" 2008 LP, PASA{ER Records, LIMITED PRE-ORDER EDITION, BLUE VINYL; 30PLN + POCZTA If you want to buy our LP contact us! Limitowana przedpremierowa edycja p...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:15:00 PST

Wkrótce nowa plyta. New CD/LP out soon!!!!

Oi, To byl dobry rok dla nas. Zagralismy sporo koncertow, w tym 2 krótkie trasy z Biletami Do Kontroli, 2 nasze kawalki ukazaly sie na miedzynarodowej skladance "Global Uprising" w War Dog Record...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 06:00:00 PST

"Kings Of Punk" 1st pressing SOLD OUT! Dodruk plyty!

Jak donosi nasz wydawca, wlasnie sprzedal sie caly naklad plyty "Kings Of Punk" tzn. 500 sztuk i w tej chwili robiony jest dodruk. W tym miejscu chcemy podziekowac wszystkim, ktorzy kupili nasza ...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:58:00 PST

Kolejne recenzje: "GARAZ" #25 + East End Story portal

CASTET "Kings Of Punk" CD Castet to formacja stworzona przez muzyków zwiazanych przed laty i obecnie z czolowymi slaskimi grupami punk i hardcore, zrodzona  jak to przeczytalem w jakiejs notce napisa...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:13:00 PST

Wywiad i recenzja CD z nowego "Pasazera" nr 22

CASTET - Kings Of Punk       Trudno usiedziec w miejscu, a jeszcze trudniej zachowac powage i zdrowy krytycyzm, gdy sie slucha najnowszego dziela Fakira i jego druzyny". Tym razem...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:54:00 PST

2 Songs on

You can find our 2 songs - "Mala Lady Punk" & "HC Tata" on "Ostry Dyzur Vol 3" compilation CD, which is added to new issue of biggest Polish HC/punk fanzine "Pasazer" #22. The pressing run is 4500...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 03:09:00 PST

New CD reviews - "Teraz Rock" mag +

CASTET  Kings Of Punk                  Nie wiem czy Bolo, Fakir i spólka czytali kiedys Eco albo Deerride, ale trudno zaprzec...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:21:00 PST

CASTET's 4 songs on compilation CD added to

You can find our 4 songs: Blood 4 Blood, Mala Lady Punk, HC Tata & Internauta on compilation CD "Hardcore Punk Assault Out Of Poland" which is added to new issue of "Los Alamos" zine. Fanzine is d...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:33:00 PST

"Kings Of Punk" CD Recenzje/Reviews

WIATRY PIEKIEL online: Kilku weteranów, kombatantów sceny hc/punk ze Slaska skrzyknelo sie, jak pisza, przy wódce (zreszta znalazl sie kawalek, bedacy swoistym peanem na czesc tego sponiewierajacego t...
Posted by CASTET [ new CD/LP + T-SHIRT ] on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 02:37:00 PST