Thanks for All profile picture

Thanks for All


About Me

Jestesmy grupa mlodych ludzi zajmujacych sie organizacja koncertow hardcore/punk oraz promowaniem wszelakiej dzialalnosci dotyczacej praw ludzi i zwierzat. Nazwa "Thanks for All" to nasz hold jaki skladamy muzyce, ktora otworzyla nam oczy na wiele waznych w naszym zyciu spraw, to podziekowanie za zaangazowanie, pot na koncertach oraz bycie wiernym i oddanym Scenie, ktora laczy nas wszystkich. ------------------------------------------------------ We’re a group of young people organising hardcore/punk gigs and promoting actions supporting human and animal rights. The name "Thanks for All" is a kind of tribute, which we want to pay to music, that have opened our eyes to many important issues. It’s a kind of thanks for commitment, sweat during the shows and just being faithfull and devoted to Scene, which connect us all

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Polish hardcore portal: Best resturant ever: Human rights supporters: Animal Liberation Front: Professional videos for amateur money:

