In Our Hands jest nowa wytwornia na scenie DIY HARD-CORE PUNK. No, moze juz nie taka zupelnie nowa- ma okolo 5lat:) Od jakiegos czasu chodzilo nam po glowie powolanie do zycia "wytworni", poprzez ktora moglibysmy promowac muzyke jak i idee, ktore sa nam bliskie. Czujemy sie nierozerwalnie zwiazani ze scena DIY, a wiec scena wolna od showbiznesu, scena ktorej wspoltworcami jestesmy wszyscy, bez podzialu na tworce i odbiorce, scena na ktorej wszystko zalezy tylko od nas i wszystko jest W NASZYCH REKACH!!! Przez dlugi czas zylismy obok, nie znajac sie, a na to, ze sie spotkalismy na pewno mial wplyw PUNK. Spotkanie zaowocowalo projektem "IN OUR HANDS" - reszta jest w NASZYCH REKACH - a to dopiero poczatek...
In Our Hands is a label on DIY HARDCORE PUNK scene. The idea to start label, thanks to which we could plug music and ideas that are dear to our hearts, has been lurking at the back of our minds since we met.
We are concerned in DIY scene, the scene which is free from show business, the scene where we all work together without segregation between creators and consumers, the scene where all depends on us and everything is in our hands!
We have been living nearby but not knowing one another for a long time and PUNK definitely had a great influence on our meeting. This meeting resulted in a project called 'In Our Hands'- the rest is IN OUR HANDS - and THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING...
13 REGRES 'ta iskra wciąż płonie' 12"/MCD
12 COMECLOSER 'distance' 12"/MCD
10 I ADAPT 'chainlike burde' CD
09 STONE HEART 'this is just the beginning' MCD
08 SEVEN DAY LIE 'tak wiele drog' CD
07 JOHN BALL 'society vs. community' MC
06 COMECLOSER 'is life worth dying for' MC
05 VALUES INTACT 'the first two years' MC
04 EXMISJA 'czlowieczenstwo' CD-R
03 COMECLOSER 'diversity decline' MC
02 NO MORE FEAR '2001-2004' MC
01 I ADAPT 'sparks turn to flames' MC