Got him!!!!!!!!!!Architecture and Bikes baby!... Traveling with or without friends... Watching football, riding my motorcycle, camping and FOOD especially desert!!! Relaxing to a cool DVD or hitting the Theater for a good flick.
Folks like myself. Strong minded with a focus. Relaxed of course...uptight and negative vibes are characteristics I avoid and you should too.
Old School HipHop and the Real...Tight s&$%! thats being made now..., R&B, Jazz, Reggea, Rock...Whatever music that feel like rollin' with per my mood or to change it.Sumtymes I'm just plan nasty...
Movies that stir emotions from anger to adrenaline.
NFL Network, Speed channel, HGTV and lots n lots of porn. J/K just wanna see how really reads all this. LOL
You know that answer. I read to grow professionally, no time for fiction.
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